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Collective Voting Bundle

Allows to create voting for an action, so every allowed person could vote on specific action.

There is a possibility to create multiple decision strategies, basing on known data like votes count and some minimum/maximum percentage of votes.

Creating a vote subject

A subject must implement the CollectiveVotingSubjectInterface, so it could be just a class, or your entity that implements this interface.

Besides the subject class you would also need to create:

  1. Factory (will be constructing subjects while having only the voting process object)
  2. Processor (process the vote, if passed then for example publish the post)
  3. Describer (describe how to display the object in the approval dashboard)

Step 1: Factory

You need to register a new factory class that will construct your subject objects.

Example service name: Every service has to have the prefix of collectivevoting.factory., the name is arbitrary.

If you will be using entity as a subject, then there is a ready to use base class for entities, so you don't have to implement it by your own.


namespace YourApp\AppBundle;

class PageVotingProcessFactory extends AbstractBaseVotingProcessFactory
    implements VotingProcessEntityFactoryInterface { };

Step 2: Decision processor

Decision processor will execute a proper action you want to execute right after the voting will close.

For example you want to publish the post when the majority will tell that it should be published.

Namespace of the service should be: collectivevoting.processor.{{ your name here }}

Example of processor:


namespace Wolnosciowiec\AppBundle\Service\Processor\CollectiveVoting;

use CollectiveVotingBundle\Model\Processor\DecisionProcessorInterface;
use CollectiveVotingBundle\Model\Entity\CollectiveVotingSubjectInterface;
use CollectiveVotingBundle\Entity\VotingProcess;
use Wolnosciowiec\AppBundle\Model\Entity\Content\Page;

 * Page Decision Processor
 * =======================
 *   When voting will end and decision will be made
 *   then processDecision() will be ran
 * @package Wolnosciowiec\AppBundle\Service\Processing\CollectiveVoting
class PageDecisionProcessor implements DecisionProcessorInterface
     * @param VotingProcess $votingProcess
     * @param array $votesCount
     * @param CollectiveVotingSubjectInterface|Page $entity
     * @param array $originalEntityData
     * @param mixed $finalOption
     * @return bool
    public function processDecision(
        VotingProcess $votingProcess,
        CollectiveVotingSubjectInterface $entity,
        array $originalEntityData,
        /** @var Page $entity */
        $entity->setPublished($finalOption === 'votes_for');

        return true;

     * @param VotingProcess $votingProcess
     * @param array $votesCount
     * @param CollectiveVotingSubjectInterface|Page $entity
     * @param string $state
     * @param array $originalEntityData
     * @return bool
    public function processNotReadyState(
        VotingProcess $votingProcess,
        CollectiveVotingSubjectInterface $entity,
        array $originalEntityData
        if ($entity->isPublished() && $this->isChanged($originalEntityData, $entity)) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * @param array $originalEntityData
     * @param Page $entity
     * @return bool
    private function isChanged($originalEntityData, Page $entity)
        $dataSet = [
            'title'     => $entity->getTitle(),
            'content'   => $entity->getContent(),
            'published' => $entity->isPublished(),
            'urlName'  => $entity->getUrlName(),

        foreach ($dataSet as $field => $newValue) {
            if ($originalEntityData[$field] != $newValue) {
                return true;

        return false;


  • skipCollectiveVote: User can simply end voting and accept or decline the proposition. This still allows voting, but when saving the subject object its possible to activate it (for example if the approval is for its activation)
  • collectiveVote: Possibility for user to vote on any action


  • Unit tests
  • Documentation
  • Examples