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photomap.js: Photo Map

DEPRICATION WARNING: the functionality in this script is now part of useful-localmap.

Plots the GPS data of the photos in a slideshow on a map.

How to include the script

The stylesheet is best included in the header of the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/photomap.css"/>

This include can be added to the header or placed inline before the script is invoked.

<script src="lib/requests.js"></script>
<script src="lib/togeojson.js"></script>
<script src="lib/leaflet-src.js"></script>
<script src="data/exif-data.js"></script>
<script src="data/gpx-data.js"></script>
<script src="js/photomap.js"></script>

Or use Require.js.

], function(Photomap, requests, Leaflet, toGeoJSON, ExifData, GpxData) {

Or use imported as a component in existing projects.

@import {Leaflet} from "lib/leaflet-src.js";
@import {requests} from "lib/requests.js";
@import {toGeoJSON} from "lib/togeojson.js";
@import {ExifData} from "data/exif-data.js";
@import {GpxData} from "data/gpx-data.js";
@import {Photomap} from "js/photomap.js";

How to start the script

var photomap = new Photomap({
	'element' : document.getElementById('id'),
	'duration' : document.getElementById('duration'),
	//'tiles' : 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
	//'tiles' : 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
	//'tiles' : 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
	//'tiles' : '{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
	'onlineTiles' : '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
	'offlineTiles' : './tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
	'gpx' : './xml/cowan-taffyslookout-brooklyn.xml',
	'gpxData' : GpxData['cowan-taffyslookout-brooklyn'],
	'exif' : 'php/imageexif.php?src={src}',
	'exifData' : ExifData['cowan-taffyslookout-brooklyn'],
	'pointer' : './img/marker-location.png',
	'missing' : './img/missing.png',
	'credit' : 'Maps &copy; <a href="" target="_blank">4UMaps</a>, Data &copy; <a href="" target="_blank">OpenStreetMap</a> and contributors, CC BY-SA',
	'zoom' : 13,
	'minZoom' : 10,
	'maxZoom' : 15,
	'markers' : {
		'start' : {
			'icon' : './img/marker-train.png',
			'description' : 'Transport to this location: <a href=""></a>'
		'end' : {
			'icon' : './img/marker-train.png',
			'description' : 'Transport from this location: <a href=""></a>'
	'indicator' : {
		'icon' : './img/marker-photo.png',
		'description' : 'Photo taken at this location.'

id : {string} - The ID attribute of an element somewhere in the document.

duration : {DOM node} - The duration of the GPX log will be written to this HTML element.

onlineTiles : {URL} - The source of the map tiles when an internet connection is available.

offlineTiles : {path} - The source of the map tiles when no internet connection is available.

gpx : {path} - Path to a GPS log in GPX format.

gpxData : {json} - An optional cache of GPS data in the GeoJSON format.

exif : {URL} - Path to the web service used to read EXIF information from photos.

exifData : {json} - An optional cache of geolocation data taken from the EXIF information of the photos.

pointer : {image} - An image to use for indicating the current location.

missing : {image} - An image to substitute for unavailable map tiles.

credit : {string} - Copyright information for the map source.

zoom : {integer} - Starting zoom level of the map.

minZoom : {integer} - Lowest level of zoom for which tiles are available.

maxZoom : {integer} - Highest level of zoom for which tiles are available.

start : {integer} - The starting marker of of the GPS log.

icon : {string} - Path to an icon graphic for the indicator.

description : {string} - A description to pop up in a message balloon.

end : {integer} - The ending marker of of the GPS log.

indicator : {integer} - The marker used for indicating locations.

How to control the script



Highlights and centres a specific location.

element : {DOM node} - Reference to a link or image for which EXIF geolocation data is available.



Reset the map after "indicate" was used.

How to build the script

This project uses leaflet.js from

This project uses node.js from

The following commands are available for development:

  • node node_scripts/importexif.js - Imports EXIF data and creates a JSON cache file.
  • node node_scripts/importgpx.js - Imports GPS data and creates a JSON cache file.


This work is licensed under a MIT License. The latest version of this and other scripts by the same author can be found on Github.


Plots the GPS data of photos on a map.







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