A repository of python programs and the collection of my learnings in linux, git, python, and markdown.
Head over to these links to read about them:
- Linux
- Git
- Python
- Markdown
- Numpy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib Learnings
- ML Stuff
- Naive Bayes Learnings
- Decision Tree Learning
- Random Forest Learning
- Random Forest
- KNN Learning
First fork the repo by clicking on Fork on the top right of this page. Then run the following command:
git clone https://www.github.com/WrathTitan/testrepo.git
Once cloned move into the repo and create files.
cd testrepo
Once you are ready to push your changes do the following:
git add .
git commit -m "Put the message here"
git push origin master
Note: Make sure to be inside the testrepo folder while running these commands ^ so that you don't run into any errors. Common errors you might encounter while running these commands might lead you to set up your remote repository url correctly or being on the correct branch.
Once done click on create a pull request and give a title along with a description of your contribution. If it is a good contribution I'll merge it.
- Additional Programs
- Documentation
- Markdown Editing
- And MORE!