Keras implementation for our IJCAI-17 paper:
- Xifeng Guo, Long Gao, Xinwang Liu, Jianping Yin. Improved Deep Embedded Clustering with Local Structure Preservation. IJCAI 2017.
and re-implementation for paper:
- Junyuan Xie, Ross Girshick, and Ali Farhadi. Unsupervised deep embedding for clustering analysis. ICML 2016.
This code requires pretrained autoencoder weights provided. Use IDEC-toy code for a quick start.
Install Keras v2.0, scikit-learn and git
sudo pip install keras scikit-learn
sudo apt-get install git
Clone the code to local.
git clone IDEC
Prepare datasets.
cd IDEC/data/usps bash ./ cd ../reuters bash ./ cd ../..
Get pre-trained autoencoder's weights.
Follow instructions at to pre-train the autoencoder. Then save the trained weights to a keras model (e.g. mnist_ae_weights.h5) and put it in folder 'ae_weights'.
If you do not want to install Caffe package, you can download the pretrained weights from
Then put .h5 file in ae_weights in local folder 'ae_weights'.
Or you can just use IDEC-toy code for a quick start, but the results may be not promising. -
Run experiment on MNIST.
python mnist --ae_weights ae_weights/mnist_ae_weights.h5
python mnist --ae_weights ae_weights/mnist_ae_weights.h5
The IDEC (or DEC) model is saved to "results/idec/IDEC_model_final.h5" (or "results/dec/DEC_model_final.h5"). -
Run experiment on USPS.
python usps --ae_weights ae_weights/usps_ae_weights --update_interval 30
python usps --ae_weights ae_weights/usps_ae_weights --update_interval 30
Run experiment on REUTERSIDF10K.
python reutersidf10k --ae_weights ae_weights/reutersidf10k_ae_weights --n_clusters 4 --update_interval 3
python reutersidf10k --ae_weights ae_weights/reutersidf10k_ae_weights --n_clusters 4 --update_interval 20