This a Computer Vision "object detection" project. I used Python 3.8 version, yolov8 (you can also use yolov5 if you want) and Opencv to write this program.
In order to install the necessary dependencies we use requirements.txt file and build our Python 3.8 virtual environment. Just as follows:
py -3.8 -m venv {namefyourvirtualenvironment}
py -m pip -r install requirements.txt
If you happen to change or add new dependencies, you can also make your own requirements.txt file as follows:
py -m pip freeze --local > requirements.txt
You can make your own AI model with Yolov8 official website which includes a detailed tutorial on how to do it using Yolov5 or Yolov8. You can also check its proper github documentation.
If you wish, you can check Roboflow's documentation also, and explore its open source computer vision datasets and APIs here.
I personally used a custom dataset notebook from Roboflow.