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Codes and Answers of Leetcode Problems in Python

# Method Code Lang Difficulty Recommend
1 Two Sum 两数之和 python/cpp Easy 0
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 无重复字符的最长子串 python Medium
7 Reverse Integer 整数反转 python Easy
8 String to integer 字符串转换整数(atoi) python Medium
13 Roman to Integer 罗马数字转整数 python Easy 3
14 Longest common prefix 最长公共前缀 python Easy
19 Remove Nth node from end of linkedlist 删除链表的倒数第n个节点 python Medium 5
21 Merge two sorted lists 合并两个有序链表 python Easy
23 Merge K sorted array 合并K个有序链表 python Hard 5
28 Implement strstr 实现strStr() python Easy
38 Count and Say 报数 python Easy 5
53 Maximum Subarray 最大子序和(DP、DC) solution & python Easy 5
88 Merge Sorted array 合并两个有序数组 python Easy 2
98 Validate Binary Search Tree 验证有效的二叉搜索树 python Medium 5
108 Convert sorted array to binary search tree 将有序数组转化为二叉搜索树 python Easy 1
141 Linked list cycle 环形链表 python Easy 1
206 Reverse linkedlist 反转链表 python Easy 1
234 Palindrome linked list 回文链表 python Easy 1
237 Delete a node in a Linkedlist 删除链表中的结点(题目本身很好,题意描述太不清晰) python Easy 0
278 First Bad Version 第一个错误的版本(二分搜索的变种) python Easy 3
326 Power of Three 3的幂 python Easy 3
384 Shuffle an Array 打乱数组 python Medium 3

Hamming Distance series 求汉明距离系列

# Mehod Code Difficulty
191 Number of 1 bits 位1的个数 python Easy
461 Hamming Distance 汉明距离 python Easy
477 Total Hamming Distance 汉明距离总和 python Medium

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Codes and Answers of Leetcode Problems in Python








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