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This package attempts to determine the module type (ESM/.mjs vs CJS/.cjs/.js) of each top-level package in node_modules/, including scoped packages. It comes to the same determination about a module's type as Webpack does in the vast majority of cases. In other cases, like with modules that present as CJS format, an ES module might be misclassified as CJS.

The resolution algorithm is based on Node's ESM_FORMAT algorithm to determine module format with the additional awareness of the module key; hence, we classify a package as ESM if its package.json has any of the following:

  • A main key with a value ending in ".mjs"
  • A sub-key (any depth) of the export key with a value ending in ".mjs"
  • A type key with the value "module"
  • A module key

It cannot be determined through package metadata alone if a module exports __esModule = true, so transpiled ES modules that don't meet any of the above requirements will be misclassified.

This package was originally created for babel-plugin-transform-default-named-imports to help smooth over Typescript-to-CJS/ESM transpilation issues, but can be useful whenever one needs to know how Webpack will attempt to load a package.


npm install --save-dev webpack-node-module-types


In addition to the bare import, this module exports two deep exports: /sync and /async. Both CJS require() and ESM-style import syntax are supported.

// Returns the asynchronous promise-based API (faster, better)
import { determineModuleTypes } from 'webpack-node-module-types';

// Returns the synchronous API (useful for plugin authors)
import { determineModuleTypes } from 'webpack-node-module-types/sync';

// Returns the same asynchronous promise-based API as the first version
import { determineModuleTypes } from 'webpack-node-module-types/async';

Here's an example from Node's REPL listing this package's own CJS and ESM dependencies:

> const { determineModuleTypes } = require('webpack-node-module-types/sync')
> console.log(determineModuleTypes())
  cjs: [
    ... 621 more items
  esm: [
    ... 33 more items

As of February 2021, most of this package's dependencies are not offering ESM entry points 🤯

Monorepo Support

As of version 1.2.0, webpack-node-module-types supports monorepo setups through the rootMode parameter. Similar to Babel's root-mode flag, { rootMode: "upward" } makes webpack-node-module-types search from the working directory parent upward until it finds an additional node_modules directory to scrutinize. If no higher level node_modules directory is found, an error is thrown.

Packages found under any local node_modules directory, if it exists, take precedence over those found in a higher-level node_modules directory.


// process.cwd() => /repos/my-workspace/packages/pkg-1
const { determineModuleTypes } = require('webpack-node-module-types/sync');
console.log(determineModuleTypes({ rootMode: "upward" }));
// Will find:
//   - /repos/my-workspace/packages/pkg-1/node_modules (local node_modules, highest precedence, optional)
//   - /repos/my-workspace/node_modules ("upward" node_modules, must exist)

rootMode is set to "local" by default.

In addition to "upward" and "local", rootMode also accepts an explicit node_modules path (beginning with ./ or ../) relative to the current working directory. When used in this way, packages found under the relative node_modules directory, if it exists, take precedence over those found in any local node_modules directory. If no local node_modules directory is found, an error is thrown.


// process.cwd() => /repos/my-workspace
const { determineModuleTypes } = require('webpack-node-module-types/sync');
console.log(determineModuleTypes({ rootMode: "./packages/pkg-1/node_modules" }));
// Will find:
//   - /repos/my-workspace/node_modules (local node_modules, must exist)
//   - /repos/my-workspace/packages/pkg-1/node_modules (relative node_modules, highest precedence, optional)


This is a simple CJS2 package with a default export.

package.json includes the exports and main keys, which point to the CJS2 entry point, the type key, which is commonjs, and the sideEffects key, which is false for optimal tree shaking, and the types key, which points to a TypeScript declarations file.


New issues and pull requests are always welcome and greatly appreciated! If you submit a pull request, take care to maintain the existing coding style and add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Please lint and test your code, of course!