Sanara is a multipurpose bot centered around Japanese culture, that is now in around 1500 servers (09/2024).
Here are some of her features:
- Games, from shiritori to quizzes based on popular series (Arknights, Azur Lane, Girls Frontline...), compete against others servers for the best score
- Image search, get images from your favorite booru (Gelbooru, Rule34, E621...)
- Cosplay/doujinshi search, find links to content you like and download them directly with Sanara
- Subscription, stay aware of the new animes airing
- Translation, translate text or images directly from the bot
Cosplay command preview | Translate command preview | Game command preview | Subscription command preview |
You can see the full list on Sanara's command page
You will also have the list of command by typing "/"
You can just use her invite link
Don't want to have NSFW commands? You can invite her SFW version
If you need anything you can come open an issue, come to her official server or contact Zirk#0001 on Discord.
The bot is in constant developpement, I'm always improving her by adding features and fixing bugs.
If you have any idea of some new ones, feel free to suggest them.
If you want to add them yourself, feel free to do a pull request! (You might want to check the developer documentation beforehand)
If you want to, you can also see stats about her usage.
If you have any wonder about what the bot collect on you and how you can get/delete these information, you can check the privacy policy.
You can consult Sanara terms of services here.
You also might want to see her page.