ESX to qbcore esx conversion script a very old script for drug-making cars. I found that many people like to play with him on FIVEM because it is very old, so I converted it again . The original author is not me
Please add qb-core/shared.lua
['acetone'] = {['name'] = 'acetone', ['label'] = 'acetone', ['weight'] = 10, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'firstaid.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'A fishing rod for adventures with friends!!'}, ['methlab'] = {['name'] = 'methlab', ['label'] = 'methlab', ['weight'] = 10, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'firstaid.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'A fishing rod for adventures with friends!!'}, ['meth'] = {['name'] = 'meth', ['label'] = 'meth', ['weight'] = 10, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'firstaid.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'A fishing rod for adventures with friends!!'}, ['lithium'] = {['name'] = 'lithium', ['label'] = 'lithium', ['weight'] = 10, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'firstaid.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'A fishing rod for adventures with friends!!'},