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ROS2 node and test application for YDLIDAR

Visit EAI Website for more details about YDLIDAR.



How to Create a ROS2 workspace

Create a workspace

How to build YDLIDAR ros2 package

1) Clone this project to your ament's workspace src folder 
2) Running ament to build ydlidar_node and ydlidar_client
3) Create the name "/dev/ydlidar" for YDLIDAR
--$ cd workspace/ydlidar_ros2/startup
--$ sudo chmod 777 ./*
--$ sudo sh

Note: Download and Build details here

How to run YDLIDAR ros2 package

1. Run YDLIDAR node and view using test application

$ros2 run ydlidar ydlidar_node

$ros2 run ydlidar ydlidar_client

Note: You should see YDLIDAR's scan result in the console

2.Run YDLIDAR node and view using test application by launch

$launch $(ros2 pkg prefix ydlidar)/share/ydlidar/launch/

$ros2 run ydldiar ydlidar_client or ros2 topic echo /scan


$ros2 launch ydlidar


LIDAR Model Baudrate SampleRate(K) Range(m) Frequency(HZ) Intenstiy(bit) SingleChannel voltage(V)
F4 1 115200 4 0.12~12 5~12 false false 4.8~5.2
S4 4 115200 4 0.10~8.0 5~12 (PWM) false false 4.8~5.2
S4B 4/11 153600 4 0.10~8.0 5~12(PWM) true(8) false 4.8~5.2
S2 4/12 115200 3 0.10~8.0 4~8(PWM) false true 4.8~5.2
G4 5 230400 9/8/4 0.28/0.26/0.1~16 5~12 false false 4.8~5.2
X4 6 128000 5 0.12~10 5~12(PWM) false false 4.8~5.2
X2/X2L 6 115200 3 0.10~8.0 4~8(PWM) false true 4.8~5.2
G4PRO 7 230400 9/8/4 0.28/0.26/0.1~16 5~12 false false 4.8~5.2
F4PRO 8 230400 4/6 0.12~12 5~12 false false 4.8~5.2
R2 9 230400 5 0.12~16 5~12 false false 4.8~5.2
G6 13 512000 18/16/8 0.28/0.26/0.1~25 5~12 false false 4.8~5.2
G2A 14 230400 5 0.12~12 5~12 false false 4.8~5.2
G2 15 230400 5 0.28~16 5~12 true(8) false 4.8~5.2
G2C 16 115200 4 0.1~12 5~12 false false 4.8~5.2
G4B 17 512000 10 0.12~16 5~12 true(10) false 4.8~5.2
G4C 18 115200 4 0.1~12 5~12 false false 4.8~5.2
G1 19 230400 9 0.28~16 5~12 false false 4.8~5.2
TX8   100 115200 4 0.1~8 4~8(PWM) false true 4.8~5.2
TX20   100 115200 4 0.1~20 4~8(PWM) false true 4.8~5.2
TG15   100 512000 20/18/10 0.05~15 3~16 false false 4.8~5.2
TG30   101 512000 20/18/10 0.05~30 3~16 false false 4.8~5.2
TG50   102 512000 20/18/10 0.05~50 3~16 false false 4.8~5.2

Note: PWM option speed control requires external PWM wave.


path: ydlidar.yaml


Topic Type Description
scan sensor_msgs/LaserScan 2D laser scan of the 0-angle ring
Parameter Type Description
port String port of lidar (ex. /dev/ttyUSB0)
baudrate int baudrate of lidar (ex. 230400)
frame_id String TF frame of sensor, default: laser_frame
singleChannel bool Whether LiDAR is a single-channel, default: false
resolution_fixed bool Fixed angluar resolution, default: true
auto_reconnect bool Automatically reconnect the LiDAR, default: true
reversion bool Reversion LiDAR, default: true
isToFLidar bool Whether LiDAR is TOF Type, default: false
angle_min float Minimum Valid Angle, defalut: -180.0
angle_max float Maximum Valid Angle, defalut: 180.0
range_min float Minimum Valid range, defalut: 0.01m
range_max float Maximum Valid range, defalut: 64.0m
ignore_array String LiDAR filtering angle area, default: ""
samp_rate int sampling rate of lidar, default: 9
frequency float scan frequency of lidar,default: 10.0


port (string, default: /dev/ydlidar)

serial port name used in your system. 

baudrate (int, default: 230400)

serial port baud rate. 
LiDAR baudrate
F4/S2/X2/X2L/S4/TX8/TX20/G4C 115200
X4 128000
S4B 153600
G1/G2/R2/G4/G4PRO/F4PRO 230400
G6/TG15/TG30/TG50 512000

frame_id (string, default: laser_frame)

frame ID for the device. 

singleChannel (bool, default: false)

indicated whether the LIDAR is single communication(S2) lidar.
LiDAR singleChannel
G1/G2/G4/G6/F4/F4PRO/S4/S4B/X4/R2/G4C false
S2/X2/X2L true
TG15/TG30/TG50 false
TX8/TX20 true

resolution_fixed (bool, default: true)

indicated whether the LIDAR has a fixed angular resolution. 

auto_reconnect (bool, default: true)

indicated whether the LIDAR auto reconnection. 

reversion (bool, default: false)

indicated whether the LIDAR data rotation 180°. 
LiDAR reversion
G1/G2/G4/G6/F4/F4PRO//R2/G4C/TG15/TG30/TG50 true
S2/X2/X2L/S4/S4B/X4/TX8/TX20 false

isToFLidar (bool, default: false)

indicated whether the LIDAR is TOF(TX8) lidar. 
LiDAR isToFLidar
G1/G2/G4/G6/F4/F4PRO/S4/S4B/X4/R2/G4C/S2/X2/X2L false
TG15/TG30/TG50/TX8/TX20 true

angle_min (double, default: -180)

Min valid angle (°) for LIDAR data. 

angle_max (double, default: 180)

Max valid angle (°) for LIDAR data. 

range_min (double, default: 0.08)

Min valid range (m) for LIDAR data. 

range_max (double, default: 32.0)

Max valid range (m) for LIDAR data. 

ignore_array (string, default: "")

Set the current angle range value to zero.

Note: ignore 10 to 20 and 50 to 80, ex: "10, 20, 50, 80" 

samp_rate (int, default: 9)

the LIDAR sampling frequency.
LiDAR samp_rate
G4/F4 4,8,9
F4PRO 4,6
G6 8,16,18
G1/G2/R2/X4 5
S4/S4B/G4C/TX8/TX20 4
S2 3
TG15/TG30/TG50 10,18,20

frequency (double, default: 10)

the LIDAR scanning frequency.

Note: Specific LiDAR paramter configuration, refer to Dataset

Upgrade Log

2020-02-08 version:1.4.5

1.Update SDK to 1.4.5

2.fixed ROS2 Dashing and Eloquent.

2019-12-23 version:1.4.4 all standards lidar

2018-07-16 version:1.3.6

1.Update SDK verison to 1.3.9

2.remove imu sync.

2018-07-16 version:1.3.5

1.Update SDK verison to 1.3.6

2.add imu sync.

2018-04-16 version:1.3.1

1.Update SDK verison to 1.3.1

2.Increase sampling frequency,scan frequency setting.

3.Unified coordinate system.

4.Repair X4,S4 LIDAR cannot be opened.

5.Increased G4 G4C F4Pro LIDAR power-off protection.

6.Increased S4B LIDAR low optical power setting.

7.Fix the wait time for closing ros node.

8.Compensate for each laser point timestamp.

9.Unified profile, automatic correction lidar model.

6 Support

You can get support from YDLidar with the following methods:

  • Send email to [email protected] with a clear description of your problem and your setup
  • Github Issues

Contact EAI

Development Path

If you have any extra questions, please feel free to contact us