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🙏 Please Subscribe🔔 to start learning for FREE, Also help your friends in learning the best by suggesting these channels.
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Playlist Name | Link |
Windows Automation with FlaUI | |
Java for Absolute Beginners | |
Selenium with Java | |
TestNG - Testing Framework | |
Extent Reports | |
CSS Selectors | |
XPath | |
Javascript Executor | |
Apache POI | |
Apache PDFBox | |
Selenium Interview Questions | |
Maven | |
How to fix Eclipse Errors | |
Playlist Name | Link |
Core Java in Telugu | |
Selenium with Java in Telugu | |
Core Java + Selenium online classes in Telugu | |
Career guidance questions in Telugu | |
Core Java - Assignments in Telugu | |
Windows Automation with FlaUI
- Basics of Windows Automation
- Tools available for Windows Automation
- What is FlaUI? Libraries provided by FlaUI?
- Downloading and Installation of Visual Studio
- Project creation in Visual Studio
- Installation of FlaUI | Windows Automation Tool
- GUI Inspecting Tools for Windows Applications
- Installation of Accessibility Tool - FlaUInspect
- Working with Accessibility Tool - FlaUInspect
- Launching Windows Application using FlaUI
- Handling Different Types of Controls with FlaUI
- Element finding mechanisms in FlaUI
- Finding Control with Multiple conditions in FlaUI
- Handling of menu and context menu with FlaUI
- Perform Mouse actions using FlaUI
- Perform Keyboard actions using FlaUI
- Capture Screenshots using FlaUI
- Accessing Standard UIA Properties using FlaUI
Java for Absolute Beginners
- Part 1 - Introduction to Java
- Part 2 - How to Download & Install Java 8 on Windows 10
- Part 3 - How to Download & Install Java 11 on Windows 10
- Part 4 - How to Download and Install Eclipse on Windows 10
- Part 5 - Write your First Java Program with Eclipse IDE
- Part 6 - Execute Java Program from Command Prompt
- Part 7 - Variables in Java
- Part 8 - DataTypes in Java
- Part 9 - Getting user input data in Java using scanner class
- Part 10 - Operators in Java
- Part 11 - Decision Making Statements (if and if-else) in Java
- Part 12 - Decision Making Statements (switch) in Java
- Part 13 - Looping Statements (while and do-while) in Java
- Part 14 - Arrays in Java
- Part 15 - Looping Statements (for and foreach) in Java
- Part 16 - Methods in Java
- Part 17 - Class and Object in Java
- Part 18 - Constructors in Java
- Part 19 - This keyword in Java
Learn Java under 1 minute (Youtube Shorts)
- What is Java?
- Advantages of Java
- Download and Install Java
- How to set path in Java
- Download and install Eclipse IDE
- Write your first program in Eclipse IDE
- Download and install IntelliJ IDEA IDE
- Write a java program to perform the arithmetic operations on two numbers
- Write a java program to perform Swapping of two numbers
- Write a java program to perform Swapping of two numbers without third variable
- Write a java program to verify whether the given number is an even number or odd number
- Write a java program to verify whether the given year is a leap year or common year
- Write a java program to calculate the square of a given number
- Write a java program to calculate the power of a given number
- Write a java program to calculate the square root of a given number
- Write a java program to convert the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius
- Write a java program to verify whether the given number is a prime number or not
- Write a java program to count the number of digits in a given number
- Write a java program to verify whether the given number is an Armstrong number or not
- Write a java program to print the reverse of a given number
- Write a java program to verify whether the given number is palindrome or not
- Write a java program to print numbers ranging from 20 to 50 using while loop
- Write a java program to print the even numbers ranging from 50 to 100 using while loop
- Write a java program to print the prime numbers ranging from 10 to 60 using while loop
- Write a java program to print the numbers ranging from 5 to 25 using for loop
- Write a java program to print the multiplication table of a given number
- Write a java program to print the sum of the even numbers ranging from 8 to 250 using for loop
- Write a java program to print the factorial of a given number
- Write a java program to print the factors of a given number
- Write a java program to print the English Alphabet in Upper case and Lower case
Selenium WebDriver with Java
- Introduction to Selenium
- Downloading and Setting up Selenium WebDriver
- Launch Chrome & Firefox Browsers using Selenium WebDriver
- Auto download Driver Executables using WebDriverManager
- Desired Capabilities and Chrome Options in Selenium WebDriver
- Different Locators Available in Selenium WebDriver
- Navigation Methods in Selenium WebDriver
- Handling of Basic HTML Controls using Selenium WebDriver
- Handling of HTML Dropdown using Selenium WebDriver
- How to handle Alerts in Selenium WebDriver
- How to handle Multiple Windows in Selenium WebDriver
- How to Handle Frames in Selenium WebDriver
- XPath vs CSS Selector in Selenium WebDriver
- Capture Screenshots using Selenium WebDriver
- PageLoadTimeOut in Selenium WebDriver
- Implicit Wait Timeout in Selenium WebDriver
- Handling of Bootstrap Dropdowns using Selenium WebDriver
- How to handle Permission Pop-ups using Selenium WebDriver?
- How to download files in Chrome, Firefox & Edge browsers using Selenium WebDriver?
- Remove "Chrome is being controlled by automated test software" message using Selenium WebDriver
- How to handle Calendars using Selenium WebDriver | Selenium |
TestNG - Testing Framework
- Part 1 - Introduction to TestNG
- Part 2 - Installation of TestNG
- Part 3 - Create and run your first TestNG test
- Part 4 - Basic structure of TestNG xml file
- Part 5 - Assertions in TestNG
- Part 6 - Hard Assertions vs Soft Assertions in TestNG
- Part 7 - TestNG annotations and the flow of execution
- Part 8 - Parameters in TestNG
- Part 9 - Optional Parameters in TestNG
- Part 10 - How to enable or disable test cases from testng xml file
- Part 11 - How to prioritize your tests in TestNG
- Part 12 - How to ignore tests in TestNG
- Part 13 - How to group your tests in TestNG
- Part 14 - How to create the test dependencies in TestNG
- Part 15 - How to create the test group dependencies in TestNG
- Part 16 - What is a Dataprovider and how to use it in TestNG
- Part 17 - Parameters of Test Method and Return types of Dataprovider
- Part 18 - How to use the dataprovider partially in TestNG
- Part 19 - How to create the dataprovider in a separate class
- Part 20 - Integration of Excel with Dataprovider
- Part 21 - Parallel execution with DataProvider in TestNG
- Part 22 - How to use timeout & expectedExceptions attributes in TestNG
- Part 23 - Execute your tests in parallel using TestNG
- Part 24 - How to use invocationCount, invocationTimeOut & threadPoolSize in TestNG
- Part 25 - TestNG Listeners
- Part 26 - Capture screenshots for only failed tests in TestNG
- Part 27 - Default reports generated by TestNG
- Part 28 - Extent reports integration with TestNG (using Annotations)
Extent Reports
- P0 - Extent Reports Course Introduction
- P1 - Overview of the extent reports
- P2 - Download and Setup extent report libraries
- P3 - Create a basic extent report
- P4 - Understand the log levels in extent reports
- P5 - Log different types of information to the extent reports
- P6 - Attach screenshots to the extent reports
- P7 - Different attributes available for a test in extent reports
- P8 - Extent report configuration using Java, JSON and XML
- P9 - Add the system/environment information to extent reports
- P10 - Remove/Change the order of the tabs in Extent reports
- P11 - Generate the extent report for only failed or skipped or passed tests
- P12 - Shortcuts in extent reports
- P13 - Extent reports integration with TestNG (using Annotations)
XPath in Selenium WebDriver
CSS Selectors in Selenium WebDriver
Apache POI (Java Library for reading and writing Microsoft Office files)
Apache PDFBox (Java Library for manipulating PDF files)
JavascriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver
- What is JavascriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver?
- Enter Text into a Textbox using JavascriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver
- Perform Click Operation using JavascriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver
- Perform Scroll Operations using Javascript Executor in Selenium WebDriver
- Highlight Web Elements using JavascriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver
Selenium WebDriver Interview Questions
- What is the meaning of WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver() in Selenium WebDriver?
- Why do we need to typecast the WebDriver Instance to use TakeScreenshot or JavascriptExecutor?
- How to Find Broken Links using Selenium WebDriver?
- How to Find Broken Images using Selenium WebDriver?
- What is the difference between findElement and findElements in #Selenium WebDriver?
- What is the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit() in Selenium WebDriver?
- What is the difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate().to() in Selenium WebDriver?
How to fix Eclipse Errors
Core Java in Telugu
- P0 - Java Course Introduction
- P1 - Introduction to Programming
- P2 - Introduction to Java
- P3 - Downloading and Installation of Java version 8
- P4 - Downloading and Installation of Java version 11 and 17
- P5 - Which version of java should be installed in our machine
- P6 - Tools required for writing and executing Java programs
- P7 - Writing and Executing our first java program using Notepad and Command Prompt
- P8 - Download and Install the Eclipse IDE
- P9 - Getting started with Eclipse IDE
- P10 - Writing & Executing our first java program using Eclipse IDE
- P11 - Packages in Java
- P12 - Class in Java
- P13 - Data types in Java
- P14 - Variables in Java
- P15 - Methods in Java
- P16 - Different type of print statements in Java
- P17 - Operators in Java
- P18 - How to get the user input from console
- P19 - Decision making statements (if & if else) in java
- P20 - Decision making statements (switch) in java
- P21 - Constructors in Java
- P22 - Object in Java
- P23 - Comments in Java
- P24 - Looping statements (while & do-while) in Java
- P25 - Looping statements (for) in Java
- P26 - Arrays (Single Dimensional) in Java
- P27 - Arrays (Multi Dimensional) in Java
- P28 - Looping statements (foreach) in Java
- P29 - Strings in Java
- P30 - Static and Non static in java
- P31 - Type Inference with local variables in Java
- P32 - OOPs in Java
- P33 - Inheritance in Java
- P34 - Access Modifiers in Java
- P35 - Encapsulation in Java
- P36 - Interface in Java - 1
- P37 - Abstract Class in Java
- P38 - Abstraction in Java
- P39 - Polymorphism in Java
- P40 - Exception handling in Java - 1
- P41 - Handling Files in Java
- P42 - Handle text files in Java
- P43 - Exception handling in Java - 2
- P44 - POJO Class & Java Bean Class in Java
- P45 - Collections Overview in Java
- P46 - ArrayList & Vector in Java
- P47 - Stack in Java
- P48 - LinkedList in Java
- P49 - Assignment on List Interface in Java
- P50 - Map in Java
- P51 - Queue in Java
- P52 - Set in Java
- P53 - Handle properties files in Java
- P54 - Iterator, ListIterator & Enumeration in Java
- P55 - JDK, JRE and JVM in Java
- P56 - Memory Management in Java
- P57 - Anonymous objects in Java
- P58 - Garbage Collection in java
- P59 - Inner classes in Java - Part 1
- P60 - Inner classes in Java - Part 2
- P61 - Interfaces in Java - Part 2
- P62 - Lambda expressions in java
- P63 - Multithreading in Java - Part 1
- P64 - Multithreading in Java - Part 2
- P65 - Multithreading in Java - Part 3
- P66 - StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java
- P67 - this keyword in Java
- P68 - Type conversion in Java
- P69 - Wrapper classes in Java
- P70 - Ternary Operator in Java
- P71 - Switch expression in Java
- P72 - Final keyword in Java
- P73 - Enum in Java
- P74 - Super keyword in Java
- P75 - Generics in Java
- P76 - Comparator and Comparable in Java
- P77 - forEach Method in Java
- P78 - Method References in Java
Selenium Java in Telugu
- Part 0 - Selenium Java in Telugu - Course Introduction
- Part 1 - Introduction to Selenium WebDriver
- Part 2 - Tools & Software required for working with Selenium WebDriver
- Part 3 - Java Basics for working with Selenium WebDriver
- Part 4 - Download and Install Selenium WebDriver
- Part 5 - Launch Chrome & Firefox Browsers using Selenium WebDriver
- Part 6 - Auto Download driver executables using WebDriverManager
- Part 7 - Different Locators available in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 8 - How to handle TextBoxes in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 9 - How to handle basic html controls in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 10 - How to handle Dropdowns in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 11 - Navigation Methods in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 12 - How to handle alerts in a web page using Selenium WebDriver
- Part 13 - How to handle multiple windows or tabs using Selenium WebDriver
- Part 14 - How to handle frames in a web page using Selenium WebDriver
- Part 15 - How to capture screenshots of a web page using Selenium WebDriver
- Part 16 - PageLoadTimeout in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 17 - Implicit Wait Timeout in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 18 - Explicit Wait in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 19 - How to maximize browser window in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 20 - How to get URL, Title, PageSource using Selenium WebDriver
- Part 21 - How to get WebElement properties using Selenium WebDriver
- Part 22 - XPath Full Course in తెలుగు
- Part 23 - Perform Mouse Actions in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 24 - How to handle Calendars using Selenium WebDriver
- Part 25 - JavascriptExecutor in Selenium WebDriver
- Part 26 - Selenium Manager in Selenium WebDriver
- Bonus - Common issues faced while working with Selenium WebDriver
Core Java + Selenium online classes in Telugu
- Day 1 - Basics of Java
- Day 2 - Downloading and Installation of Java 8 version
- Day 3 - Downloading and Installation of Java 11 and java 17 versions
- Day 4 - Downloading and installation of Eclipse
- Day 5 - Writing and executing our first java program (Notepad & Eclipse)
- Day 6 - Datatypes in Java
- Day 7 - Variables in Java
- Day 8 - Operators in Java
- Day 9 - Decision making statements in Java - Part 1
- Day 10 - Decision making statements in Java - Part 2
- Day 11 - Looping statements in Java - Part 1
- Day 12 - Arrays in Java & Looping statements in Java - Part 2
- Day 13 - Foreach loop in Java
- Day 14 - Class, Object, Constructors and Methods in Java
- Day 15 - String and its Methods in Java
- Day 16 - Static and Non-Static in Java
- Day 17 - Object oriented programming principles in Java
- Day 18 - OOPs - Part 2 & Handling of Properties File in Java
- Day 19 - Handling of Text File in Java - Part 1
- Day 20 - Handling of Text File in Java - Part 2
- Day 21 - Exception handling in Java - Part 1
- Day 22 - Exception handling in Java - Part 2
- Day 23 - Collections overview - Part 1
- Day 24 - Arraylist in Java
- Day 25 - Linkedlist & Vector in Java
- Day 26 - Hashmap in Java
- Day 27 - Accessibility Modifiers, Working with jar, Set in Java
- Day 28 - Introduction & Installation of Selenium
- Day 29 - Maven Basics & Installation of Selenium in Maven Project
- Day 30 - Launch browser using Selenium WebDriver
- Day 31 - Navigate to URL and close the browser in Selenium
- Day 32 - Understand the HTML DOM
- Day 33 - Get the Text from any WebElement
- Day 34 - XPath - Part 1
- Day 35 - XPath Functions
- Day 36 - XPath Axes
- Day 37 - Handle Radio Button, Button, Check Box, Link in Selenium
- Day 38 - Handle Dropdowns in Selenium
- Day 39 - WebDriverManager and Alerts
- Day 40 - Handle frames in Selenium
- Day 41 - Handle multiple windows in Selenium
- Day 42 - Navigation & Timeouts in Selenium
- Day 43 - Waits in Selenium
- Day 44 - JavascriptExecutor in Selenium
- Day 45 - Capture screenshots in Selenium
- Day 46 - CSS Selectors in Selenium
- Day 47 - Mouse & Keyboard actions in Selenium
Career guidance questions (FAQ) in Telugu
Core Java - Assignments
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