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Machine learning projects for financial market prediction; Python

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Machine Learning Projects for Financial Market Prediction

Table of contents

Implied Volatility analysis

Classification and prediction of Implied Volatility

Recognition and prediction of market regime

Compression and analysis of intraday high-frequency data

Implied Volatility analysis

Input data: Implied volatility and 36 historical volatilities

Object: SSE 510050

Methods: Linear regression, OLS, LASSO regression


  • Build a regression model, using implied volatility (IV) as dependent variable and 36 historical volatilities (HVs) as independent variables
  • Prevent overfitting by using t-test, variance inflation factor and LASSO model, finally choosing LASSO model
  • Reduce the dimension of features from 36 to 13
  • Make out-of-sample predictions, also compare the performance of static model (use a single model from fixed in-sample data) and rolling model (update in-sample data and the model everyday)

Classification and prediction of Implied Volatility

Input data: Implied volatility and 13 historical volatilities

Object: SSE 510050

Methods: Decision Tree


  • Write my own decision tree classifier algorithm based on NumPy, and compare its performance with that of scikit-learn
  • Prevent overfitting by cutting branches (maximal depth, information gain, and minimal sample points ...)
  • Build a decision tree to classify IV trend based on the ratios of current IV and HVs
  • Pick the best criterion among all nodes to generate trading signals

Recognition and prediction of market regime

Input data: Daily close price and volume

Object: Shanghai Composite Index

Methods: Gaussian Mixture Model


  • Adopt Gaussian Mixture Model to classify everyday market regime based on logRet_1, logRet_5, logDel, logVol_5
  • Determine the label for every market regime (up, down, or other) by combining components with similar cumulative daily return
  • Develop a method to dynamically choose the optimal number of components

Compression and analysis of intraday high-frequency data

Input data: every minute close price

Object: SSE 50 Index; Shanghai Composite Index

Methods: Fourier Transformation; Clustering algorithms (K-means, DBSCAN); Singular Spectrum Analysis


  • Apply Fourier Transformation to intraday high-frequency price data (every-minute), remove noises, and reduce the dimension from 120 to 10
  • Cluster individual days with similar fluctuating patterns before noon, using DBSCAN algorithm

  • Implement Singular Spectrum Analysis to extract information from the data, remove noises, reconstruct a smooth time series, and make predictions