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Diplom work client


E-commerce site where user can buy something. The project not finished yet.

How to run local

Before start create .env file and add this variable

  • MONGO_DB_CONNECT= mongodb url connect
  • EMAIL_ADRESS= gmail adress
  • EMAIL_PASSWORD= gmail password

Start Local

  1. clone repository
  2. npm install
  3. node index start server
  4. cd client
  5. npm install
  6. npm start start client
  7. open localhost:3000

What user can do

  • see products
  • buy products
  • signup / sign in
  • add product to wish list
  • send mail to the administrator
  • read blog

What I use

  • react
  • redux
  • axios
  • node
  • express
  • mongodb
  • passport
  • papercups