ZJUNlict Core Board (FPGA & STM32)'s Firmware for the Robocup Soccer Small-Size League https://zjunlict.cn/
The firmware for the Cyclone III EP3C25 FPGA on this core board is designed using Altera (now Intel) Quartus II 9.1 and Nios II 9.1 IDE. The firmware for STM32F407 is designed using Keil uVision 5.
The main features are:
- Flexible Static Memory Controller communication between FPGA and STM32.
- FPGA Verilog programming handles BLDC driving, PWM generation and infrared detection. (Same as the core board firmware)
- STM32 handles radio communication and sensor fusion.
Other detailed information can be found in ZJUNlict 2018 ETDP.
Notice : It's a testing board, the firmware is not well developed! (Certain functions are missing)