BMA is a responsive mobile web application useful for your dailty budget managment. using this app you can have a list of transactions associated with a category suitable for record and manage expenditures.
- Ruby on Rails
- Gems
- Rspec
- Capybara
- FactoryBot
- Selenium-webdriver
- Bcrypt
- Letter-opener
- Faker
- cancancan
- Devise
- Gems
- Ruby
- Rails gem
- PostgresQL
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
step1) cloning the project:
step2) go to the right folder:
cd budget_management
step3) Install:
bundle install
step4) run the command:
rails s
ruby bin\rails server
(recomended if you are using windows OS)
Run linters:
Diffult (run all spec files):
bundle exec rspec
Run all spec files in the Spec
bundle exec rspec spec
Run all spec files in a single directory:
bundle exec rspec spec/models
Run a single spec file:
bundle exec rspec spec/featues/login_page_spec.rb
Run a single example from a spec file(by line number):
bundle exec rspec spec/requests/users_controller_spec.rb:1
See all options for running specs:
bundle exec rspec --help
Zahra Aershia
- GitHub: @ZahraArshia
- Twitter: @ZahraArshia
- LinkedIn: @ZahraArshia
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- An acknowledgment to Gregorie Vella on Behance, the author of the original design.
This project is MIT licensed.