An Elixir framework for creating Discord bots in a modular way
The package can be installed by adding mobius
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
{:mobius, git: ""}
You need Elixir 1.10 or above installed.
You will also need a bot account and its token.
The token will need to be in an environment variable named MOBIUS_BOT_TOKEN
Commands to execute after cloning to install all the requirements:
mix deps.get
and say yes to install hex if it prompts youmix compile
and say yes to install rebar if it prompts youmix test
to ensure everything works as expected
iex -S mix
runs the bot in debug mode where you can write code in an interactive shell while it runs
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
ZeLarpMaster 💻 📖 🚧 💬 👀 |
Étienne Lévesque 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!