This is alpha software (full of bugs) and won't be live for a few more weeks
KnockoutSync is a persistence library that connects Knockout.js with a data layer.
When updates occur on the server, observed fields are automatically updated and knockout bindings are triggered. When knockout updates variables, they automatically update the server. Nested observable fields and records are handled with elegance.
This library does not use the mapping plugin; it's superfluous to the functionality provided here.
// loads recordXYZ and creates two-way sync
var obs = ko.observable().extend({sync: store});'recordXYZ');
// or in one step
var obs = ko.observable().extend({sync: {store: store, key: 'recordXYZ'});
// creates record and establishes two-way sync
var obs = ko.observable().extend({sync: store});
obs({name: 'Rydia', email: '[email protected]'});
// or in one step
var obs = ko.observable({name: 'Rydia', email: '[email protected]'}).extend({sync: store}).create();
// loads records and start two-way sync
var list = ko.observableArray().extend({sync: store});
// creates record and starts two-way sync
var nestedRec = ko.observable({
name: ko.observable('Rei Ayanami'), // handled like any other field, synced if it changes
email: '[email protected]'
}).extend({sync: store});
// this also works and will not destroy the nested observable
Download the production version or the development version of knockout-sync.
In your web page, you need to have Knockout.js, and Knockout-sync. Underscore is optional, but makes things a bit more stable and performant.
<script type="text/javascript" src="underscore.js"></script> <!-- optional -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="knockout.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/knockout-sync.js"></script>
A Store is any place we can fetch data and hand it off to Knockout. Records are expected to have unique ids and the data store is assumed to have push capabilities, although these aren't strictly necessary.
You can find some example stores in the stores/ folder
// create a Firebase Store
var store = new ko.sync.stores.Firebase('', ['name', 'email'], {limit: 50});
How we call sync
depends on whether we are creating a new record or loading an existing one:
Synchronizing to an existing record:
// using the read method
var model = ko.observable().extend('sync', store);'recordXYZ');
// this is the same thing, but in one step
var model = ko.observable().extend('sync', {store: store, key: 'recordXYZ'});
Creating a new record:
// using the create method
var model = ko.observable().extend('sync', store);
model({name: 'Garet Jax', email: '[email protected]'});
// doing it in one step
var model = ko.observable({name: 'Garet Jax', email: '[email protected]'}).extend('sync', store); // automatically created!
Unlike observable
, arrays are always synchronized as soon as they load. So there is no need to call read() to get
the data locally.
// synchronized automatically
var list = ko.observableArray().extend('sync', store);
Once an object is synced by calling .extend('sync', store)
, it has a crud
member which can be
used to perform standard CRUD operations:
var model = ko.observable().extend('sync', store);
// create a new record and sync
model({name: 'Dr. Good', email: '[email protected]'});
model.crud.create(); // now we are synced
// read a remote record and sync 'recordXYZ' );
// update and sync
model.crud.update( {name: 'Dr. Evil', email: '[email protected]'} );
// delete the record, we are no longer synced
// crud actions automagically queue and run in sequence, so there
// is never any need to worry about async ops running out of order! 'recordXYZ' ).update({name: 'Dr. Evil'}).delete()
.ready.done(function() { /* no race conditions here */ });
works almost exactly like observable
. One notable difference is that an observableArray
is immediately synchronized.
Note that there is no need to wrestle with destroy()
and _destroy
as deleted items are
automagically tracked and handled internally!
// sync an array with the Store and load all the records
var users = ko.observableArray().extend({sync: store});; // valid, but does nothing because it has already been called
// add a new record
users.push({name: 'Lan Mandragoran', email: '[email protected]' });
users.crud.create({name: 'Lan Mandragoran', emai: '[email protected]' }); // same thing
// modify a record
users.crud.update('record123', {name: 'Alf'}); // same thing, but using the key
// delete a user from the list; also deletes from database
users.splice(2, 1);
users.crud.delete( 'recordXYZ' ); // same thing, but using the key
// just like crud ops on observables, these can be chained too
users.crud.update('record123', {name: 'Alf'}).delete( 'recordXYZ' ).create( {name: 'Lan Mandragoran', ...} )
.ready.done(function() { /* all operations completed and saved */ });
Factory allows you to customize records and create nested observables.
You can make your records in observableArray
, or any of their fields, into observable
objects by passing
a couple parameters into factory. This means that whenever they are updated, the data is automagically
synchronized without the usual annoyance of having to find some way to trigger an update on
(e.g. obsArray.replace or obsArray.splice).
// configure Factory to make records observables
var myFactory = new ko.sync.Factory(store, {observe: true});
// configure Factory to make some fields observables
var myFactory = new ko.sync.Factory(store, {observeFields: ['name']});
// do both
var myFactory = new ko.sync.Factory(store, {observe: true, observeFields: ['name']});
// apply the factory to an array
var list = ko.observableArray().extend({sync: {store: store, factory: myFactory}});
You can also create customized objects by building your own factory. Fret not; it's easier than you might think. This which allows you to specify everything about how new records get initialized.
// create a factory
var RecordFactory = ko.sync.Factory.extend({
// optional constructor
//init: function() {},
// called every time a new row is received from the store
make: function(key, data) {
return {
name: ko.observable(, // no problem here, it will get updated as you would hope
computed: ko.computed() {...} // this will be left alone because it's not part of the store's fields
key: key,
var list = ko.observableArray().extend({sync: {
store: store,
factory: new RecordFactory();
// update a nested field and sync to the Store, like magic!
list()[0].name('Space Cadet Stimpy');
You don't need factories for observable
objects, naturally. You can just declare your structure before
calling read/create:
var rec = ko.observable({ name: ko.observable(), email: ko.observable() }).extend({sync: {store: store, key: 'recordXYZ'}});
- sorting is left up to knockout logic and the Store to negotiate; assumes you'll transfer sort data with the records
Read over src/classes/Store.js and implement each method according the purview of your particular needs and data storage device's capabilities.
Test the store by using the generac StoreTester. See test/testunit/TestStore.test.js (example) and test/lib/StoreTester.js (standard tests)
Please contribute stores/improvements back to the project!
Browse to test/index.html and enjoy the pretty colors (hopefully they are green)
Use the pull request feature in GitHub to contribute changes. Please provide or modify unit tests in test/testunit as needed