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Pessimistic Cardinality Estimation: Tighter Upper Bounds for Intermediate Join Cardinalities

We demonstrate how to reproduce the Join Order Benchmark experiments for the SIGMOD 2019 paper "Pessimistic Cardinality Estimation: Tighter Upper Bounds for Intermediate Join Cardinalities". This set of experiments was originally run in the following environment:

  • OSX 10.14
  • Java 1.8
  • postgres 9.6.6

Environment Setup Overview

There are two primary modules in this repository.

  1. The first is the source code for a modified postgres instance. The only real modification is in the postgresql-9.6.6/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c file. Specifically, in the calc_joinrel_size_estimate method. Instead of returning the naive default postgres query optimizer cardinality estimates, we parse the info.txt file for join cardinality bounds which we use in place of the estimates. If a bound is found for a subquery, then the bound is returned. A bound will be returned for all sought after subqueries.
  2. The second is a java module that decomposes queries and creates bounds for all necessary subqueries. The module then populates the info.txt file which will then be able to be ingested by above modified postgres instance.

Following initial setup, you may simply run the java module which will execute each query in the desired workload. For each query, we will populate info.txt with the necessary bounds. Following this, each query is submitted to postgres. It is also possible to simply run the queries using postgres' default cardinality estimates (this is done by simply leaving info.txt empty, a method for which is provided). LAUREL: This last phrase about "a method for which is provided" doesn't make sense. You mean you have a method for clearing info.txt or a method for ignoring info.txt?

Establishing Output Directories

We first wish to establish the output directories and sketch serialization directory paths. In order to set up the paths across all necessary source files, we provide a shell script:


NOTE: this script should be executed once and only once. Experiments may be run multuple times.

Finally, we will also need to give ownership of the output directory to the default user which will be your username or _postgres, depending on what works for your system.

sudo chown -R <username> output
sudo chmod -R 777 output

Modified Postgres Instance

Postgres Installation

First, navigate to the postgres directory:

cd postgresql-9.6.6/

The modified postgres source code may be installed in the same manner as with a normal postgres instance (only the 64 bit is required). Note that if you run

make distclean

there may be errors of missing rules to make targets when running make. Just reclone the repo and try again or redownload the postgres-9.6.6 folder and modify that paths to info.txt and log.txt in postgresql-9.6.6/src/optimizer/path/costsize.c.

We suggest finding a more comprehensive guide to building postgres from source that is specific to the reader's OS. We found the following guides helpful:

  • Linux
  • OSX: We failed to find a relaible guide online so we include our installation process below.
  • Windows [Note: the remainder of this guide will assume access to a unix command line]

On Mac, the following commands worked.

sudo make
sudo make install
sudo mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
sudo chown <username> /usr/local/pgsql/data
cd /usr/local/pgsql/bin/
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data/ start

Return to the home directory.

cd ..

Data Upload

You may clone our imdb database instance by first downloading the compressed database and unpacking. The copressed data is available on s3. Readers are also welcome to use newer/older versions of the imdb dataset. Bash script will populate the imdb database or the reader may execute the commands separately.

sudo -u <username> /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb imdb
gunzip -c imdb.dump.gz | psql imdb

If using the provided imdb database snapashot, the database should take up 32GB of storage. Data ingestion and setting up indexes should take approximately 40 minutes. Please note that there are several static sketches saved in BoundSketch/imdb_sketches/. These sketches comprise those sketches that would be populated and saved offline (as versus calculated at runtime) under the assumptions of the paper. If you use a snapshot of the imdb dataset that differs from the the provided snapshot, be sure to remove all files in the BoundSketch/imdb_sketches/ directory to ensure correct statistics. If recalculating statistics on a fresh/altered instance, the getIMDBSketchPreprocessingTime() method in BoundSketch/src/ will generate and serialize the static sketches. In this scenario, this should be excuted before actual runtime experiments.

Finally, we need to include a hash function library with our database. We use pghashlib. Please install the hash function library on the imdb dataset as described in the linked repo. Note: when building pghashlib, there might be an error about finding stdio.h. The fix for this (and potentially other problems) is to modify the Makefile to point to absolute path for pg_config (paste /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_config into line 2 of the Makefile). You may also need to link rst2html by executing the following command.

sudo ln /usr/local/bin/ /usr/local/bin/rst2html

Bound Generation Module

The purpose of this module is primarly to populate the info.txt file. This module assumes the postgres user is _postgres. If you used a different username, replace _postgres with the correct name. The Driver class is also set up to execute and run the join order benchmark. Results for default postgres execution are written to output/results/[DBName]/plan_execution_time_[budget].txt. For example, the result of running the join order benchmark with a hash budget of 4096 would be written to output/results/imdb/plan_execution_time_4096.txt. We also include the sketch processing time which includes the additional runtime preprocessing penalty incurred by our method in output/results/[DBName]/sketch_preprocessing_[budget].txt. We provide the postgres EXPLAIN ANALYZE output for each query in output/raw/[DBName]/bound_[budget].txt. These include a detailed writeup of the physical join plan and the estimated versus observed intermediate join cardinalities.

Similarly, if you wish to compare to default postgres execution, you will find these results, and physical plans in output output/results/[DBName]/default.txt, and output/raw/[DBName]/default.txt, respectively.

You may compile the java library using the following command (from the top level directory of the repo):

javac -cp BoundSketch/src/.:BoundSketch/combinatoricslib3-3.2.0.jar:BoundSketch/jsqlparser-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar:BoundSketch/postgresql-42.2.0.jar:BoundSketch/jaxb-api-2.3.0.jar  BoundSketch/src/*.java

You may execute the tests using the following command:

java -cp BoundSketch/src/.:BoundSketch/combinatoricslib3-3.2.0.jar:BoundSketch/jsqlparser-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar:BoundSketch/postgresql-42.2.0.jar:BoundSketch/jaxb-api-2.3.0.jar Driver


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  • C 90.5%
  • PLpgSQL 3.6%
  • Yacc 2.0%
  • Perl 1.3%
  • Makefile 0.7%
  • Ruby 0.5%
  • Other 1.4%