A header-only bit manipulation library written in C++23, supporting:
- Getting bits, bytes, words or double words in an integral value.
- Clearing bits, bytes, words or double words in an integral value.
- Setting bits, bytes, words or double words in an integral value.
- Filling bits, bytes, words or double words in an integral value.
- Combining bits, bytes, words or double words to a larger integral value.
- Install GoogleTest.
- Install CMake.
Go to the project folder and run:
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
Go to the build
folder and run:
ctest -VV
See more examples in tests/bit_manip_tests.cpp
// Get the specified bits in an integral value.
constexpr std::uint32_t val {0x12345678};
EXPECT_EQ(GetBits(val, 0, sizeof(std::uint8_t) * CHAR_BIT), 0x78);
EXPECT_EQ(GetBits(val, 0, sizeof(std::uint16_t) * CHAR_BIT), 0x5678);
// Set the value of the specified bits in an integral value.
std::uint32_t val {0x12345678};
SetBits(val, 0xFFFF, 0, sizeof(std::uint16_t) * CHAR_BIT);
EXPECT_EQ(val, 0x1234FFFF);
// Fill the specified bits in an integral value.
std::uint32_t val {0x12345678};
FillBits(val, 0, sizeof(std::uint8_t) * CHAR_BIT);
EXPECT_EQ(val, 0x123456FF);
// Clear the specified bits in an integral value.
std::uint32_t val {0x12345678};
ClearBits(val, 0, sizeof(std::uint16_t) * CHAR_BIT);
EXPECT_EQ(val, 0x12340000);
// Combine low bits and high bits into a new integral value.
EXPECT_EQ((CombineBits<std::uint16_t, std::uint8_t>(0x12, 0x34)), 0x1234);
EXPECT_EQ((CombineBits<std::uint32_t, std::uint16_t>(0x1234, 0x5678)), 0x12345678);
// Check if a bit is set in an integral value.
constexpr std::uint8_t val {0b0000'0001};
EXPECT_TRUE(IsBitSet(val, 0));
EXPECT_FALSE(IsBitSet(val, 1));
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.