This SDK is developed for integrations with the billit api
- API version: v1
PHP 7.3 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"/": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\AccountApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
try {
$result = $apiInstance->accountGetAccountInformation();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AccountApi->accountGetAccountInformation: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountApi | accountGetAccountInformation | GET /v1/account/accountInformation | |
AccountApi | accountGetSSOToken | GET /v1/account/ssoToken | |
AccountApi | accountPostSequences | POST /v1/account/sequences | |
AccountApi | accountRegisterCompany | POST /v1/account/registercompany | |
AccountantApi | accountantDeleteFeeds | DELETE /v1/accountant/feeds/{feedName} | Delete the feed |
AccountantApi | accountantGetFeeds | GET /v1/accountant/feeds | |
AccountantApi | accountantGetIndex | GET /v1/accountant/feeds/{feedName} | Get A list of all feeds to download. Only query this once per minute |
AccountantApi | accountantPostConfirm | POST /v1/accountant/feeds/{feedName}/{feedItemID}/confirm | Confirm each succesfully downloaded feed item to remove it from the feedlist |
AccountantApi | accountantPostFeeds | POST /v1/accountant/feeds | Register a new feed. All newly exported orders or documents will be available in this new feed. |
DocumentApi | documentGetDocument | GET /v1/documents/{documentID} | |
DocumentApi | documentGetDocuments | GET /v1/documents | |
DocumentApi | documentPostDocument | POST /v1/documents | |
FileApi | fileGetOrders | GET /v1/files/{fileID} | |
FinancialTransactionApi | financialTransactionGetBankTransactions | GET /v1/financialTransactions | |
FinancialTransactionApi | financialTransactionPostImport | POST /v1/financialTransactions/commands/import | |
FinancialTransactionApi | financialTransactionPostImportFile | POST /v1/financialTransactions/importFile | |
GLAccountApi | gLAccountPostGLAccount | POST /v1/glaccounts | |
GLAccountApi | gLAccountPostGLAccount_0 | POST /v1/glaccounts/commands/import | |
JournalApi | journalPostGLAccount | POST /v1/journals/commands/import | |
MiscApi | miscGetCompanySearch | GET /v1/misc/companysearch/{Keywords} | |
MiscApi | miscGetTranslation | GET /v1/misc/typecodes/{TypeCodeType}/{key} | |
MiscApi | miscGetTypeCodes | GET /v1/misc/typecodes/{TypeCodeType} | |
OAuth2Api | oAuth2PostToken | POST /OAuth2/token | |
OAuth2Api | oAuth2PostTokenRevoke | POST /OAuth2/revoke | |
OrderApi | orderGetDeleted | GET /v1/orders/deleted | |
OrderApi | orderGetOrders | GET /v1/orders | |
OrderApi | orderGetOrders_0 | GET /v1/orders/{orderID} | |
OrderApi | orderPatchOrders | PATCH /v1/orders/{orderID} | |
OrderApi | orderPostOrderPayment | POST /v1/orders/{orderID}/payments | |
OrderApi | orderPostOrders | POST /v1/orders | |
OrderApi | orderPostSend | POST /v1/orders/commands/send | |
OrderApi | orderPutOrderBookings | PUT /v1/orders/{orderID}/bookingEntries | |
PartyApi | partyGetParties | GET /v1/parties | |
PartyApi | partyGetParty | GET /v1/parties/{partyID} | |
PartyApi | partyPatchParties | PATCH /v1/parties/{partyID} | |
PartyApi | partyPostParty | POST /v1/parties | |
PeppolApi | peppolDeleteParticipant | DELETE /v1/peppol/participants | |
PeppolApi | peppolGetInbox | GET /v1/peppol/inbox | |
PeppolApi | peppolGetParticipantInformation | GET /v1/peppol/participantInformation/{VATorCBE} | |
PeppolApi | peppolInboxItemConfirm | POST /v1/peppol/inbox/{inboxItemId}/confirm | |
PeppolApi | peppolPostParticipant | POST /v1/peppol/participants | |
PeppolApi | peppolPostSendOrder | POST /v1/peppol/sendOrder | |
ProductApi | productGetProduct | GET /v1/products/{productID} | Get a specific product |
ProductApi | productGetProducts | GET /v1/products | Get a list of products |
ProductApi | productPostProduct | POST /v1/products | Create a new product of update an existing product |
ToProcessApi | toProcessDeleteToProcess | DELETE /v1/toProcess/{uploadID} | |
ToProcessApi | toProcessPatchToProcess | PATCH /v1/toProcess/{uploadID} | |
ToProcessApi | toProcessPostToProcess | POST /v1/toProcess | |
ToProcessApi | toProcessPostToProcess_0 | POST /v1/toProcess/{uploadID} |
- AccountInformation
- AccountSettings
- AssignedEntity
- BankAccount
- BookingEntry
- CompanySearchResult
- CompanySearchResultItem
- ConfirmRequest
- DeleteParticipantRequest
- Document
- DocumentAPIView
- ExternalProviderReference
- Feed
- FeedItem
- File
- FilterClause
- FilterQueryOption
- FilterQueryValidator
- GLAccount
- IEdmDirectValueAnnotationsManager
- IEdmModel
- IEdmSchemaElement
- IEdmTerm
- IEdmType
- IEdmTypeReference
- IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable
- IEdmVocabularyAnnotation
- InboxGetResult
- InboxGetResultItem
- InlineCountQueryOption
- Journal
- MutableKeyValuePairStringString
- OAuthAccessTokenRequest
- ODataQueryContext
- ODataQueryOptionsDocumentAPIView
- ODataQueryOptionsOrder
- ODataQueryOptionsParty
- ODataQueryOptionsProduct
- ODataQueryOptionsTransaction
- ODataQueryValidator
- ODataRawQueryOptions
- Order
- OrderByClause
- OrderByNode
- OrderByQueryOption
- OrderByQueryValidator
- OrderLine
- PageResultDocumentAPIView
- PageResultOrder
- PageResultParty
- PageResultProduct
- PageResultTransaction
- ParticipantInformationResponse
- Party
- PaymentLink
- PostPaymentRequest
- ProcessInfo
- Product
- RangeVariable
- RegisterAccountRequest
- RegisterParticipantRequest
- SelectExpandClause
- SelectExpandQueryOption
- SelectExpandQueryValidator
- SelectItem
- SendRequest
- SequenceRequest
- ServiceDetail
- SingleValueNode
- SkipQueryOption
- SkipQueryValidator
- ToProcessSaveRequest
- TopQueryOption
- TopQueryValidator
- Transaction
- TypeCodeResult
- TypeCodeResultItem
- UploadMetadata
- UserCompanyRole
- VatGroup
All endpoints do not require authorization.