What's Changed
- Fixed an issue where inventory pages wouldn’t close automatically (#17)
- Fixed an issue where the route management schedule couldn’t be updated, by @ZoeBijl in #16
- Fixed an issue where no new data was written from the inventory pages, by @ZoeBijl in #25
- Made getDate a helper function (#26)
- Removed duplicate helper functions (#28)
- Format large numbers according to your localisation settings (#11)
- Format currencies according to your localisation settings (#12)
- Improved legibility of status text in dark mode (#13)
- AES tables now take up less horizontal space in some cases (#14)
- The inventory page has been updated to make it easier to read (#25)
- Added a menu with helpful links related to AES (#32)
- Added an about screen with some basic info related to AES (#33)
- Code validation in places will prevent future UI changes breaking data
- Hide empty aircraft manufacturing categories
- Updated the AUTHORS file (#21)
- Some parts have been ported from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript
- Some whitespace changes

Full Changelog: v0.6.5...v0.6.8