MySampler is a tool written in ruby to poll SHOW GLOBAL STATUS in MySQL and output the values to either a CSV or graphite/carbon. The interval at which the polling occurs can be specified and the output can be either the absolute or relative values, so you can see change over time. If logging to CSV, the a date stamp is appended to the CSV file and it is rotated hourly (to be configurable later).
MySampler requires the following gems:
graphite sequel
To install, simply install the dependencies above, and clone the repository and run mysample.rb
gem install sequel
gem install graphite
git clone
cd mysampler
./mysample.rb -o csv -u me -p secret -H localhost -f /tmp/mysample.csv -i 10 -r -d -k start
Usage ./mysample.rb [OPTIONS]
-u, --user USER MySQL User
-p, --pass PASSWORD MySQL Password
-P, --port PORT MySQL port (default 3306)
--pidfile PIDFILE PID File (default: `pwd`/
-H, --host HOST MySQL hostname (default: localhost)
-f, --file FILENAME output filename (will be appended with rotation timestamp)
-o, --output (csv|graphite) Output format (default: csv)
-i, --sleep SECONDS Interval between runs (default: 10)
-r, --relative Show the difference between the current and previous values (default: false)
-d, --daemonize daemonize process (default: false)
-k (start|stop|status) command to pass daemon
-g, --graphite HOST:PORT Graphite server:port
-h, --help this message
If daemonized with -d, currently STDERR/STDOUT does not go anywhere, so if you are having problems, try running it without the -d flag initially.
This project, while it runs in production, is rapidly changing so the command line parameters and output are not set in stone.
I will attempt to write release notes if something changes drastically.
Currently a lot of the object structure is being revamped and I am adding more features such as SHOW MUTEX STATUS, and SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS.
Those features are initially available in the class_refactor branch.