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Simple API implementation to find available rentals in NYC.

Documentation was generated using Pycco (not needed to run the API).

How to get started. (Linux/Unix)

  1. Install Python3 and pip
  2. Run command pip install -r requirements.txt to install all python dependencies
    • or pip3 install -r requirements.txt depending on your setup.
  3. (Optional) Load data onto the database using python3 path_to_csv_file.csv
  4. Use the "" script to start up Flask service
  5. (Optional) Run "" to do quick curl API calls.
  6. API should now be accessible through:
    • Please see examples below for routes and usage.


Main focus:

  • Distance calculations and finding coordinates wihtin a certain zone.
    • Spent a lot of time trying to do calculations on paper.
    • Decided to just look up a solution online to implement a solution more quickly.
    • Links below on sources.
  • Query search using Python and Data input into a data structure or database.
    • Originally planned for MongoDB due to schemaless inputs.
    • Was having problems connecting to my MongoDB
    • Decided to just dump everything into a Dictionary for now, just ran out of time to fully implement.
    • Tried to use standard Pythong libraries to digest into, but csv lib had issues with special characters (as warned by requirements)
    • Created a function to manual process the CSV input line by line.
  • Supportability and Maintainability
    • Starting programming it out, and the source files were becoming really large.
      • Large within the context of the amount of lines.
    • Broke the code into smaller functions after that.
    • Dumped a lot of thoughts into the comments to explain why
  • Flask API Library usage
    • Personally I'm more familiar with CherryPy because of it's simplicity.
    • Tried out Flask because of it's popularity
    • Flask is also a werkzeug wrapper.
  • Please see docs/*.html for my other thoughts during development.

Example queries:

# Given example of query test 1
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET  -d '{"latitude": 40.7306, "longitude": -73.9352, "distance": 1000, "query": "two bedroom"}'

# Given example of query test 2
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET  -d '{"latitude": 41, "longitude": -73, "distance": 300.7, "query": "near the empire state building"}'

# Quick test ot test out fuzzy search
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET  -d '{"latitude": 40.70485, "longitude": -74, "distance": 1000, "query": "Beautiful duplex with terrace."}'

# Quick test to add rental information
# As Long as ID exists, it will pass (as of right now.)
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"id": 938472938728, "hello":"world"}'

Sources and Libraries

Flask API Documentation

Github: Fuzzy Wuzzy Search Lib

StackOverflow: Calculate Distance between 2 Coordinates

StackOverflow: Given Start Coordinate, Bearing, and Distance, Find End Coordinate

Documentation Generator: Pycco


  • Docker-compose for easier deployment
  • MongoDB for better scalability
  • Unit tests for better quality


  • Project Suggestions

    • Appreciate clean, well-documented code
    • See how you approach problems and make tradeoffs.
    • Discuss your design and architecture choices as we are to see a working app.
    • Run out of time, then focus on what's important.
  • API Requirements

    • Basic Serach API
    • requests made to find a room to rent.
  • Whatever DB system

    • NOSQL datastore
    • Search platform
    • something custom.
  • Python (werkzeug) for services.

    • Parse and import data often
    • subtle issues in formatting or serialization.
    • provided data in form of CSV.
    • Response from API: structured list of data
    • rooms that match api request
  • API Request:

    • search string
    • latitude and/or longitude
    • distance in meters
    • Results should be rooms within a distance radius from provided location.
    • text part of query works up to developer. Hint: Be creative.
    • Always have results.
    • order data useful to a user.
  • Open source libraries or frameworks.

    • properly attribute other people's work.
  • Submission.

    • Create Github repository
    • Relevant instructions on how to run it.
    • Share link to the repository
    • Include a description of the application.


Simple API implementation.







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