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Block attributes
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aarroyoc committed Jan 28, 2023
1 parent 2e08458 commit 20e5b9f
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Showing 2 changed files with 128 additions and 113 deletions.
224 changes: 118 additions & 106 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -14,121 +14,128 @@

djot_ast(Djot, Ast) :-
once(phrase(lines(Lines), Djot)),
once(phrase(djot_ast_(Lines), Ast)).
once(phrase(djot_ast_(Lines, []), Ast)).

% From Djot source to AST

% Thematic break
djot_ast_([Line|Lines]) -->
djot_ast_([Line|Lines], Attrs) -->
{ phrase(thematic_break_line(0), Line) },
djot_ast_(Lines, []).

% Heading
djot_ast_([Line|Lines]) -->
djot_ast_([Line|Lines], Attrs) -->
{ phrase(heading_line(N, Header), Line) },
djot_heading_ast_(Lines, N, Header).
djot_heading_ast_(Lines, N, Header, Attrs).

% Blockquote
djot_ast_([Line|Lines]) -->
djot_ast_([Line|Lines], Attrs) -->
{ phrase(blockquote_line(Text), Line) },
djot_blockquote_ast_(Lines, Text).
djot_blockquote_ast_(Lines, Text, Attrs).

% List
djot_ast_([Line|Lines]) -->
djot_ast_([Line|Lines], Attrs) -->
{ phrase(list_line(Type, Text), Line) },
djot_list_ast_(Type, Lines, Text, [], continue).
djot_list_ast_(Type, Lines, Text, [], continue, Attrs).

% Code block
djot_ast_([Line|Lines]) -->
djot_ast_([Line|Lines], Attrs) -->
{ phrase(((backticks(N, _), " ", seq(Spec)) | backticks(N, _), ... ), Line), N >= 3 },
djot_code_ast_(Lines, N, "", Spec).
djot_code_ast_(Lines, N, "", Spec, Attrs).

% Div block
djot_ast_([Line|Lines]) -->
djot_ast_([Line|Lines], Attrs) -->
{ phrase(((colons(N), " ", seq(ClassName)) | colons(N), ... ), Line), N >= 3 },
djot_div_ast_(Lines, N, "", ClassName).
{ append(["class"-ClassName], Attrs, Attrs1) },
djot_div_ast_(Lines, N, "", Attrs1).

% Pipe table
djot_ast_([Line|Lines]) -->
djot_ast_([Line|Lines], Attrs) -->
{ phrase(pipe_table(Row), Line) },
djot_table_ast_(Lines, [row(Row)]).
djot_table_ast_(Lines, [row(Row)], Attrs).

% Block attribute
djot_ast_([Line|Lines], Attrs) -->
{ phrase(inline_attr_ast_(Attrs1), Line), append(Attrs, Attrs1, Attrs2) },
djot_ast_(Lines, Attrs2).

% Paragraph
djot_ast_([Line|Lines]) -->
djot_ast_([Line|Lines], Attrs) -->
{ Line \= "" },
djot_paragraph_ast_([Line|Lines], "").
djot_paragraph_ast_([Line|Lines], "", Attrs).

% Empty line
djot_ast_([[]|Lines]) -->
djot_ast_([[]|Lines], Attrs) -->
djot_ast_(Lines, Attrs).
% No more lines
djot_ast_([]) --> [].
djot_ast_([], _) --> [].

% Code block
djot_code_ast_([Line|Lines], N, Code0, Spec) -->
djot_code_ast_([Line|Lines], N, Code0, Spec, Attrs) -->
{ \+ ( phrase(backticks(M, _), Line), M >= N), append(Code0, ['\n'|Line], Code) },
djot_code_ast_(Lines, N, Code, Spec).
djot_code_ast_(Lines, N, Code, Spec, Attrs).

djot_code_ast_([Line|Lines], N, Code0, Spec) -->
djot_code_ast_([Line|Lines], N, Code0, Spec, Attrs) -->
{ phrase(backticks(M, _), Line), M >= N },
[code(Spec, Code0)],
[code(Spec, Code0, Attrs)],
djot_ast_(Lines, []).

djot_code_ast_([], _, Code0, Spec) -->
[code(Spec, Code0)].
djot_code_ast_([], _, Code0, Spec, Attrs) -->
[code(Spec, Code0, Attrs)].

% List: Line of list type same as current list
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, Mode), [Line|Lines], CurrentItem, Items, _) -->
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, Mode), [Line|Lines], CurrentItem, Items, _, Attrs) -->
phrase(list_line(type(Level, Type, _), Text), Line),
djot_ast(CurrentItem, ItemAst),
append(Items, [item(ItemAst)], NewItems)
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, Mode), Lines, Text, NewItems, continue).
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, Mode), Lines, Text, NewItems, continue, Attrs).
% List: Line non indented in continue mode
djot_list_ast_(Type, [Line|Lines], CurrentItem, Items, continue) -->
djot_list_ast_(Type, [Line|Lines], CurrentItem, Items, continue, Attrs) -->
Line \= "",
\+ phrase(list_line(_, _), Line),
append(CurrentItem, ['\n'|Line], CurrentItem1)
djot_list_ast_(Type, Lines, CurrentItem1, Items, continue).
djot_list_ast_(Type, Lines, CurrentItem1, Items, continue, Attrs).
% List: Empty line
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, _), [Line|Lines], CurrentItem, Items, _) -->
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, _), [Line|Lines], CurrentItem, Items, _, Attrs) -->
phrase(whites(_), Line),
append(CurrentItem, ['\n'|Line], CurrentItem1)
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, loose), Lines, CurrentItem1, Items, jump).
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, loose), Lines, CurrentItem1, Items, jump, Attrs).

% List: Line indented in jump mode
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, Mode), [Line|Lines], CurrentItem, Items, jump) -->
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, Mode), [Line|Lines], CurrentItem, Items, jump, Attrs) -->
phrase((whites(W), seq(Text)), Line),
W > Level,
append(CurrentItem, ['\n'|Text], CurrentItem1)
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, Mode), Lines, CurrentItem1, Items, jump).
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, Mode), Lines, CurrentItem1, Items, jump, Attrs).

% List: Line not indented in jump mode
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, Mode), [Line|Lines], CurrentItem, Items, jump) -->
djot_list_ast_(type(Level, Type, Mode), [Line|Lines], CurrentItem, Items, jump, Attrs) -->
phrase((whites(W), seq(_)), Line),
W =< Level,
djot_ast(CurrentItem, ItemAst),
append(Items, [item(ItemAst)], NewItems)
[list(type(Level, Type, Mode), NewItems)],
[list(type(Level, Type, Mode), NewItems, Attrs)],
djot_ast_([Line|Lines], []).

% List: No more lines
djot_list_ast_(Type, [], CurrentItem, Items, _) -->
djot_list_ast_(Type, [], CurrentItem, Items, _, Attrs) -->
djot_ast(CurrentItem, ItemAst),
append(Items, [item(ItemAst)], NewItems)
[list(Type, NewItems)].
[list(Type, NewItems, Attrs)].

list_type(bullet("-")) --> "-".
Expand All @@ -143,28 +150,28 @@
{ N is N0 + 1}.

djot_heading_ast_([Line|Lines], N, Header) -->
djot_heading_ast_([Line|Lines], N, Header, Attrs) -->
{ phrase(heading_line(N, Header), Line), append(Header, [' '|Line], Header1) },
djot_heading_ast_(Lines, N, Header1).
djot_heading_ast_(Lines, N, Header1, Attrs).

djot_heading_ast_([[]|Lines], N, Header) -->
djot_heading_ast_([[]|Lines], N, Header, Attrs) -->
append(SectionLines, [HeadingLine|Rest], Lines),
phrase(heading_line(NextN, _), HeadingLine),
NextN =< N,
phrase(djot_ast_(SectionLines), SectionAst)
phrase(djot_ast_(SectionLines, []), SectionAst)
[section(N, Header, SectionAst)],
[section(N, Header, SectionAst, Attrs)],
djot_ast_([HeadingLine|Rest], []).

djot_heading_ast_([[]|Lines], N, Header) -->
djot_heading_ast_([[]|Lines], N, Header, Attrs) -->
phrase(djot_ast_(Lines), SectionAst)
phrase(djot_ast_(Lines, []), SectionAst)
[section(N, Header, SectionAst)].
[section(N, Header, SectionAst, Attrs)].

djot_heading_ast_([], N, Header) -->
djot_heading_ast([""], N, Header).
djot_heading_ast_([], N, Header, Attrs) -->
djot_heading_ast([""], N, Header, Attrs).

heading_line(1, Header) --> "# ", seq(Header).
heading_line(2, Header) --> "## ", seq(Header).
Expand All @@ -181,40 +188,40 @@
heading_line(N, _).
section_lines([], _) --> [].

djot_blockquote_ast_([Line|Lines], Block) -->
djot_blockquote_ast_([Line|Lines], Block, Attrs) -->
{ phrase(blockquote_line(Text), Line), append(Block, ['\n'|Text], Block1) },
djot_blockquote_ast_(Lines, Block1).
djot_blockquote_ast_(Lines, Block1, Attrs).

djot_blockquote_ast_([Line|Lines], Block) -->
djot_blockquote_ast_([Line|Lines], Block, Attrs) -->
{ Line \= "", \+ phrase(blockquote_line(_), Line), append(Block, ['\n'|Line], Block1) },
djot_blockquote_ast_(Lines, Block1).
djot_blockquote_ast_(Lines, Block1, Attrs).

djot_blockquote_ast_([""|Lines], Block) -->
djot_blockquote_ast_([""|Lines], Block, Attrs) -->
{ djot_ast(Block, InsideAst) },
[blockquote(InsideAst, Attrs)],
djot_ast_(Lines, []).

djot_blockquote_ast_([], Block) -->
djot_blockquote_ast_([""], Block).
djot_blockquote_ast_([], Block, Attrs) -->
djot_blockquote_ast_([""], Block, Attrs).

blockquote_line(Text) -->
"> ", seq(Text).

blockquote_line("") -->

djot_div_ast_([Line|Lines], N, Block, ClassName) -->
djot_div_ast_([Line|Lines], N, Block, Attrs) -->
{ \+ (phrase(colons(M), Line), M >= N), append(Block, ['\n'|Line], Block1) },
djot_div_ast_(Lines, N, Block1, ClassName).
djot_div_ast_(Lines, N, Block1, Attrs).

djot_div_ast_([Line|Lines], N, Block, ClassName) -->
djot_div_ast_([Line|Lines], N, Block, Attrs) -->
{ phrase(colons(M), Line), M >= N, djot_ast(Block, InsideAst) },
[div_block(ClassName, InsideAst)],
[div_block(InsideAst, Attrs)],
djot_ast_(Lines, []).

djot_div_ast_([], _, Block, ClassName) -->
djot_div_ast_([], _, Block, Attrs) -->
{ djot_ast(Block, InsideAst) },
[div_block(ClassName, InsideAst)].
[div_block(InsideAst, Attrs)].

pipe_table(Row) -->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,29 +286,29 @@
dashes --> "-" | "-", dashes.

djot_table_ast_([Line|Lines], Rows) -->
djot_table_ast_([Line|Lines], Rows, Attrs) -->
phrase(separator_table(Style), Line),
append(RestRows, [row(Row)], Rows),
append(RestRows, [header(Row), set_style(Style)], Rows1)
djot_table_ast_(Lines, Rows1).
djot_table_ast_(Lines, Rows1, Attrs).

djot_table_ast_([Line|Lines], Rows) -->
djot_table_ast_([Line|Lines], Rows, Attrs) -->
phrase(pipe_table(Row), Line),
append(Rows, [row(Row)], Rows1)
djot_table_ast_(Lines, Rows1).
djot_table_ast_(Lines, Rows1, Attrs).

djot_table_ast_([Line|Lines], Rows) -->
djot_table_ast_([Line|Lines], Rows, Attrs) -->
{ \+ phrase(pipe_table(_), Line) },
djot_table_ast_([], Rows) -->
djot_table_ast_([""], Rows).
[table(Rows, Attrs)],
djot_ast_(Lines, []).
djot_table_ast_([], Rows, Attrs) -->
djot_table_ast_([""], Rows, Attrs).

djot_paragraph_ast_([Line|Lines], Paragraph0) -->
djot_paragraph_ast_([Line|Lines], Paragraph0, Attrs) -->
Line \= "",
Expand All @@ -310,15 +317,15 @@
; append(Paragraph0, [' '|Line], Paragraph1)
djot_paragraph_ast_(Lines, Paragraph1).
djot_paragraph_ast_(Lines, Paragraph1, Attrs).

djot_paragraph_ast_([""|Lines], Paragraph) -->
djot_paragraph_ast_([""|Lines], Paragraph, Attrs) -->
{ phrase(inline_text_ast_(InlineAst), Paragraph) },
[paragraph(InlineAst, Attrs)],
djot_ast_(Lines, []).

djot_paragraph_ast_([], Paragraph) -->
djot_paragraph_ast_([""], Paragraph).
djot_paragraph_ast_([], Paragraph, Attrs) -->
djot_paragraph_ast_([""], Paragraph, Attrs).

thematic_break_line(N) -->
(" "|"\t"),
Expand All @@ -339,35 +346,40 @@

ast_html_node_(thematic_break) -->
ast_html_node_(paragraph(InlineAst)) -->
ast_html_node_(thematic_break(Attrs)) -->
{ attrs_html(Attrs, AttrsHtml) },
"<hr", AttrsHtml,">".
ast_html_node_(paragraph(InlineAst, Attrs)) -->
{ attrs_html(Attrs, AttrsHtml) },
"<p", AttrsHtml, ">",
ast_html_node_(section(N, Header, Child)) -->
ast_html_node_(section(N, Header, Child, Attrs)) -->
{ phrase(ast_html_(Child), ChildHtml) },
format_("<section><h~d>~s</h~d>~s</section>", [N, Header, N, ChildHtml]).
ast_html_node_(blockquote(Child)) -->
{ attrs_html(Attrs, AttrsHtml) },
format_("<section><h~d~s>~s</h~d>~s</section>", [N, AttrsHtml, Header, N, ChildHtml]).
ast_html_node_(blockquote(Child, Attrs)) -->
{ phrase(ast_html_(Child), ChildHtml) },
"<blockquote>", ChildHtml, "</blockquote>".
ast_html_node_(list(type(_, bullet(_), Mode), Items)) -->
{ attrs_html(Attrs, AttrsHtml) },
"<blockquote", AttrsHtml, ">", ChildHtml, "</blockquote>".
ast_html_node_(list(type(_, bullet(_), Mode), Items, Attrs)) -->
{ attrs_html(Attrs, AttrsHtml) },
"<ul", AttrsHtml, ">",
ast_html_node_items_(Items, Mode),
ast_html_node_(code(Spec, Code)) -->
ast_html_node_(code(Spec, Code, Attrs)) -->
{ dif(Spec, "=html"), phrase(escape_html_(Html), Code) },
"<pre><code>", Html, "</pre></code>".
ast_html_node_(code("=html", Html)) -->
{ attrs_html(Attrs, AttrsHtml) },
"<pre", AttrsHtml, "><code>", Html, "</pre></code>".
ast_html_node_(code("=html", Html, _)) -->
ast_html_node_(div_block(ClassName, Block)) -->
{ var(ClassName), phrase(ast_html_(Block), Html) },
"<div>", Html, "</div>".
ast_html_node_(div_block(ClassName, Block)) -->
{ nonvar(ClassName), phrase(ast_html_(Block), Html) },
"<div class=\"", ClassName, "\">", Html, "</div>".
ast_html_node_(table(Rows)) -->
ast_html_node_(div_block(Block, Attrs)) -->
{ phrase(ast_html_(Block), Html) },
{ attrs_html(Attrs, AttrsHtml) },
"<div", AttrsHtml, ">", Html, "</div>".
ast_html_node_(table(Rows, Attrs)) -->
{ attrs_html(Attrs, AttrsHtml) },
"<table", AttrsHtml, ">",
ast_html_rows_(Rows, []),
ast_html_node_(link(TextAst, Url, Attrs)) -->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,7 +426,7 @@
ast_html_node_items_(Items, loose).
ast_html_node_items_([item([paragraph(Item)])|Items], tight) -->
ast_html_node_items_([item([paragraph(Item, _)])|Items], tight) -->
{ phrase(ast_html_(Item), Html) },
Expand Down

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