- First mockup webpage I created as a project. Technically this is my first completed project.
- Created October 2022 with purely HTML5 and CSS3 and some bootstrap.
- No Javascript was included in this project.
[Live Site] (https://ab1820.github.io/TinDog-Start-master/)
- hover affects over the icons, and social icons
- buttons for apple and android (if there were an app to download)
- the use of z-index for the main image
- bootstrap cards used to display the packages and pricing section
- bootstrap carousel to display testimonials
- by clicking on the navigation at the top it will scroll you to that specific section on the webpage
- the use of 3 main colors for the site
- 2 main fonts used throughout the site (imported from google fonts in the html page)
- my active social icons in the footer
If you resize your browser, I have made this website responsive as well for smaller screens.
Seeing as this was my very first completed website that I created using purely HTML and CSS, I do believe there is much more room for improvement and that will show overtime and with more learning and practice!
Thank you for taking the time to look at my first completed project!
A tinder website for dogs. Help your dogs find their true love!! Or their new best friends.