Just a tool to convert Grim Dawn items in a database to a csv for further editing.
To use this tool, you need to first extract the packed Grim Dawn database into its individual records. The tool for doing this, "AssetManager.exe" come installed with Grim Dawn and is located in the same folder as the game itself. ex. X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Grim Dawn
(Unless you work for Crate Entertainment, then you should login to your source/asset control system)
- Working Directory: Where you want the Grim Dawn database extracted to
- Build Directory: Not used for this, pick another folder but we wont use it.
- Tools Directory: The game folder where all the exe including the AssetManager.exe is located.
- Browse for the folder containing the game files, this is usually the same folder as the "Tools Directory"
- Click ok, and then wait about 10-20 minutes for the files to extract.
This will create a folder structure containing many folders and ".dbr" (Database Record Files) in your working directory. These .dbr files are what this project works on, and that concludes the "AssetManager.exe Tutorial"
This program both converts the .dbr records to csv, but additionally grabs the correct description from the multilanguage files to properly enter the data for each item.
Its a very very rough program, but it works.
Usage details to follow.