# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run start
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
# to run testing on endpoints to check if image exist and already resized or not exist and if image exist and resizing was done now
$ npm run test
URL : baseUrl/image/resize?filename=abdo&width=600&height=55
you can change filename based on exist in image folder and change dimension by replace value in width and height
This directory contains your images , routes , tests , index.
The images directory contains images.
The routes directory contains all routes and you can add more than one
The routes directory contains jasmine archticture
This file for server and contains all functionality to start server
The routes directory contains jasmine configurations
This directory contains your build files and will generate after run npm build`.
this file contain all typescript config
this file contain all dependences