In-memory NoSQL database which accepts any Javascript object including JSON data of course.
In-memory terminology has two meanings according to the side:
Client Side : In-memory 👉🏼 if the page is not reloaded or left.
Server Side : In-memory 👉🏼 if the application is still running.
npm install in-mem --save;
or as CDN :
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
import {insert, find} from 'in-mem';
const personA = insert('person', {firstname:'Ahmed'});
find( // {id: '...',firstname:"Ahmed", dateCreated: "2017-02-12T07:24:57.612Z"}
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script >
const {insert, find} = inMem;
const personA = insert('person', {firstname:'Ahmed'});
find( // {id: '...',firstname:"Ahmed", dateCreated: "2017-02-12T07:24:57.612Z"}
insert('table_name', record);
insert('table_name', record1, record2,..., recordN);
findAll('table_name', (record) => record.firstname === 'Ahmed');
findById('table_name', id);
find('table_name', (record) => record.firstname === 'Ahmed');
update('table_name', (record) => record.firstname === 'Ahmed', id, {lastname: 'Toto'});
// update(TABLE, where, newRecord, override = false)
// --- OR ---
// update(TABLE, where, (current) => newRecord, override = false )
del('table_name') // delete the whole table
del('table_name', id);