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abetusk edited this page Nov 23, 2014 · 1 revision

Program Flow

Initially, the g_painter and g_schematic_controller or g_board_controller are setup and initialized with the canvas element. Callbacks are set up to intercept user input. the loop function (in init_sch.js and init_brd.js) is setup as a callback to call the redraw function for the controller.

    function loop() {
      requestAnimationFrame( loop );

The controller sets up the various GUI elements in its init function

bleepsixBoardController.prototype.init = function( canvas_id )
  this.canvas = $("#" + canvas_id)[0];
  this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');


  this.guiToolbox = new guiBoardToolbox( "toolbox" );
  this.guiToolbox.move( 0, 200);

  this.guiLayer = new guiBoardLayer( "layer" );
  this.guiLayer.move( 0, 450 );


and sets up the various callbacks:

  $(canvas_id).mousemove( function(e) {
    var xy = controller.canvas_coords_from_global( e.pageX, e.pageY );
    controller.mouseMove( xy[0], xy[1] );

From the constructor, toolNav or toolBoardNav for the schematic or board respectively is the default tool that's set.

function bleepsixBoardController( viewMode ) {
  if (!brdControllerHeadless)
    this.tool = new toolBoardNav ( undefined, undefined, this.viewMode );
    this.tabCommunication = new bleepsixTabCommunication();

Where the brdControllerHeadless allows for the nodejs server to run the same code without alteration.


Each tool is responsible for handing control off to another tool. Often times mouse information needs to be passed in.

If the tool exposes a function (or is it required to?) called drawOverlay, this will be called by the controller when redrawing the scene. This allows for tools to draw while active.

Many tools show the cursor position by setting the display_text value in the global controller object.

toolBoardNav.prototype.drawOverlay = function()

  if ( !this.mouse_drag_flag )

    this.snap_world_xy = g_snapgrid.snapGrid( this.mouse_world_xy );

    var s = this.cursorSize / 2;
    g_painter.drawRectangle( this.snap_world_xy["x"] - s,
                             this.snap_world_xy["y"] - s,
                             this.cursorSize ,
                             this.cursorSize ,
                             this.cursorWidth ,
                             "rgb(128, 128, 128 )" );

    g_board_controller.display_text = "x: " + this.snap_world_xy.x + ", y: " + this.snap_world_xy.y;


All state changes to the underlying kicad object (e.g. g_board_controller.board.kicad_brd_json) must be done through the controllers opCommand function. This allows for undo/redo functionality, as the controller saves state (but only on a session by session basis) and is in charge of communicating state back to the central server.

Here is an example from bleepsix/js/brdtool/toolBoardNavjs:

          var op = { source: "brd", destination: "brd" };
          op.action = "update";
          op.type = "flip";
 = id_ref_ar[ind].id;
 = { sourceLayer : src_layer, destinationLayer: dst_layer};
          op.groupId = group_id;
          g_board_controller.opCommand( op );

When changing state, it is the tools responsibility right now to update relevant auxiliary state, like the rats nest, highlighted nets, etc.

    var map = g_board_controller.board.kicad_brd_json.brd_to_sch_net_map;
    g_board_controller.board.updateRatsNest( undefined, undefined, map );
          g_board_controller.board.getBoardNetCodesAndSubPads( netcode, undefined, hi_netcodes, sub_pad_ids );
          g_board_controller.board.highlightNetCodesSubPads( hi_netcodes, sub_pad_ids );
          g_board_controller.highlightSchematicNetsFromBoard( netcode );
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