IoT based Home automation using Raspberry pi
This project uses Raspberry pi, Dropbox and Twitter to create Home Automation System
This project uses python programming and implements multithreading concepts to run 3 parallel threads, each performing specific task. Thread 1: maintains log status of appliances ; Thread 2: Monitor user's Twitter account any incomming requests ; Thread 3: Uploads log file on Dropbox cloud
In this project, Raspberry pi would continuously monitors user's Twitter account and updates the current status of applicance as log to Dropbox cloud. User can send predefined commands to pi via his Twitter account which would be read by pi and it helps to control the appliance. As per this code, user can ask current status of specific appliance (currently only 2 appliances as per this code) and ask to turn off specific appliance via Twitter by sitting in any part of globe. If in future, user wanted to look into the status of various appliances on any specific day, he can do so via his Dropbox account (which is linked here) where logfile would also be maintained for all activities.Thanks