Prettier-Zulip Public
Web extension for a modern and prettier UI for Zulip.
IG-NoFollow-Extension Public
Web extenstion for Chrome and Edge to check people who haven't followed back on Instagram.
zulip-desktop Public
Forked from zulip/zulip-desktopZulip Desktop Client
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 8, 2021 -
Distributed-Game-Framework Public
Distributing computation of different game elements in separate machines - demo on a Pong game
A minimal distributed system setup in Go Lang.
Go UpdatedJun 3, 2020 -
graduation Public
Forked from github-education-resources/graduation$ git remote <graduation> yearbook
UpdatedMay 22, 2020 -
Rocket.Chat.Electron Public
Forked from RocketChat/Rocket.Chat.ElectronOfficial OSX, Windows, and Linux Desktop Clients for Rocket.Chat
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 23, 2020 -
KernelTrackpadGestures Public
Linux kernel module for trackpad/mouse gestures.
CS671-DeepLearning Public
Repository for course CS671-Deep Learning and its Application
UpdatedApr 18, 2019 -
Word-Blitz-Facebook Public
A DFS implementation to generate Words for Word Blitz game on Facebook.
zulip Public
Forked from zulip/zulipZulip server - powerful open source team chat
Python Other UpdatedFeb 12, 2019 -
Command-Line-Website Public
Website with a GUI designed like a Linux terminal
ReviewPlatform_Blockchain Public
A basic blockchain project of using blockchain network to store user product reviews.
HTML UpdatedJan 19, 2019 -
mitmproxy Public
Forked from mitmproxy/mitmproxyAn interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 12, 2018 -
vscode Public
Forked from microsoft/vscodeVisual Studio Code
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 28, 2018 -
multiclipboard Public
multiclipboard helps to maintain multiple clipboards under unique keywords which reduces the work of copying different stuff again and again.
picard-website Public
Forked from metabrainz/picard-websiteWebsite for MusicBrainz Picard
CSS UpdatedAug 16, 2018 -
gsoc-blog Public
GSOC '18 Blog. Jekyll cloned from barryclark/jekyll-now
gsoc Public
Forked from poole/hydeA brazen two-column theme for Jekyll.
CSS Other UpdatedApr 29, 2018 -
sysadmin-solution Public
Solutions for problems at https://github.com/KamandPrompt/sysadmin-test
HTML UpdatedFeb 9, 2018 -
LibreEHR Public
Forked from LibreHealthIO/lh-ehrLibreHealth EHR - Free Open Source Electronic Health Records based on OpenEMR
PHP Other UpdatedJan 21, 2018 -
GraphMate Public
Forked from HitRam/GraphMateA desktop application for visualization of graphs and various algorithms on graphs.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 12, 2018 -
sympy Public
Forked from sympy/sympyA computer algebra system written in pure Python
Python Other UpdatedJan 11, 2018 -
Memex Public
Forked from WorldBrain/MemexThe refactored version of the (Re)search-Engine
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2017 -
RPSLS-js Public
Rock Paper Scissor Lizard Spock game
pymediawiki Public
Forked from abinashmeher999/pymediawikiA package to extract the list of categories for a wikipedia page. Uses MediaWiki API. Aspires to cover more page properties apart from categories.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 28, 2016