##If someone dont want to use Persistent Volume & Claim, please use only mysqldb-deployment.yaml & mysqldb-svc.yaml
##Command to deploy MySQLDB Server kubectl create -f mysqldb-pv.yaml
##Command to deploy Persistent Volume Claim for MYSQL kubectl create -f mysqldb-pvc.yaml
##Command to deploy MySQLDB Server kubectl create -f mysqldb-deployment.yaml
##Command to deploy MySQLDB Service kubectl create -f mysqldb-svc.yaml
Also, you can avoid all above commands and can run single command which will deploy mysqldb-pv, mysqldb-pvc, mysqldb-svc & mysqldb-deployment
##Command to deploy all in one kubectl create -f mysqldb-single.yaml
##Deploy PhpMyAdmin and connect with your existing MYSQL Server which is running on your K8S env. ##Make sure you change the root password/HOST/PORT wherever its required.
##Command to deploy PHPMyAdmin: kubectl create -f PhpMyAdmin.yaml
Later, we will update README file more in details.