PLC is a software package to control the experiment setup of Plasmalab.
This is a reborn in Python3.
What's there:
- many controlling and measuring boxes (digital controller, camera, ...)
What we need:
- software component for every box (IO communication, logging)
- one software component for controlling (human interface)
What was there:
- stubs of software for some boxes
Many processes with threads communicating over TCP (socket communication)
every process can run on own cpu core (automatically or manually)
threading prevents unnecessary blockings of the whole system while IO communication
every process can run on different boxes/computers
small processes can go to own boxes in future
heavy processes can get their own computers in future
controlling interface (human interface) can run on separated location (e. g. near the scientist and not near the experiment setup)
living in the cloud, e. g.:
- experiment setup on the A300-ZERO-G (or ISS)
- logging somewhere in Bordeaux (or Garching)
- controlling from the Dune of Pyla (or Ringberg)
iff running on one Linux system (computer):
- loopback interface is fast
- kernel can do the load sharing
Python3 (at the moment also C++; as far as possible this will be changed in future)
popular and suitable operating system: UNIX (Linux, MacOS)
- Tkinter (Tcl/Tk)
- mostly platform indepent (at the moment some controlling parts are integrated; and therefore only complete funtionable on POSIX systems; this will be changend in near future)
config files
style of RFC 822
- mostly human readable
- platform indepent
Batch Controlling:
- list of setpoints in a config file, which can be loaded and set in the GUI
For every controlling and measuring box we write some components: (at the moment heavy development)
server program
- IO to the device
- logging
- socket communication for controlling
client program (for debugging)
- human interface (at the moment only GUI)
- socket communication with the server program
integration of a useful API in the human interface GUI
plc contains some extra tools for viewing/analysing the measurements. For example:
- (player for the img-files (PAM format))
- quick viewing of the measured/recorded movies
- (converts img-files (PAM format) to zip-archives with png graphics)
- img-files in the PAM format are large and structured to 1 GB files
- resulting zip-archives are smaller and structured in recordings (parabolas)
- (viewer of the movies and other measurements)
- assignment of the frames to other measurements
=================== Author: Daniel Mohr.
License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, 2014 Daniel Mohr and PlasmaLab (FKZ 50WP0700 and FKZ 50WM1401) and Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstrasse, D-85740 Garching and Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V., D-51170 Koeln Copyright (C) 2023 Perevoshchikov Egor