Amboy is a collection of interfaces and tools for running and managing asynchronous background work queues in the context of Go programs, and provides a number of interchangeable and robust methods for running tasks.
Queue implementations impose ordering and dispatching behavior, and describe the storage of tasks before and after work is complete. Current queue implementations include:
- an ordered queue that dispatches tasks ordered by dependency information to ensure that dependent tasks that are completed before the tasks that depend on them.
- an unordered queue that ignores dependency information in tasks. For most basic cases these queues are ideal. (LocalUnordered as implementation detail this queue dispatches tasks in a FIFO order.)
- a limited size queue that keep a fixed number of completed jobs in memory, which is ideal for long-running background processes.
- priority queues that dispatch tasks according to priority order.
- remote queues that store all tasks in an external storage system (e.g. a database) to support architectures where multiple processes can service the same underlying queue.
Currently amboy has a single remote-backed queue implementation. This implementation implements an unordered queue, backed by a pluggable Driver implementation.
Amboy currently provides several different driver implementations, with different semantics. Some driver implementations do use local storage.
- MongoDB storage (tasks are dispatched in either a non-specified order or in priority order, depending on configuration.)
- capped results storage (tasks are dispatched in insertion order, and a specified number of results are retained in completion order.)
- priority queue (tasks are dispatched in priority ordering of tasks.)
- internal (tasks are dispatched in a randomized order.)
Users can inject any Driver interface, or implement their own. While the Driver is quite straightforward, all Drivers require a compatibile Lock implementation for synchronizing queue operations between multiple processes backed by the same queue.
In general, for "remote" queues backed by drivers that use local storage, the direct-local queue implementations are more efficient because they require less aggressive locking.
The Amboy queue system should be able to support additional remote storage systems and additional support for stronger ordering constraints.
Runners are the execution component of the worker pool, and are embedded within the queues, and can be injected at run time before starting the queue pool. The LocalWorkers implementation executes tasks in a fixed-size worker pool, which is the default of most queue implementations.
The runner interface can be used to manage execution of tasks on remote machines or dispatch tasks to alternate queuing systems.
The DependencyManager interface makes it possible for tasks to express relationships to each other and to their environment so that Job operations can noop or block if their requirements are not satisfied. The data about relationships between jobs can inform task ordering as in the LocalOrdered queue.
The handling of dependency information is the responsibility of the queue implementation.
The REST interface provides tools to submit jobs to an Amboy queue provided as a service. The rest package in Amboy provides the tools to build clients and services, although any client that can construct JSON formated Job object can use the REST API.
See the documentation of the REST package
The Logger package provides amboy.Queue backed implementation of the grip logging system's sender interface for asynchronous log message delivery. These jobs do not support remote-backed queues.
The following patterns have emerged during our use of Amboy.
Embed the job.Base
type in your amboy.Job implementations. This provides a number of
helpers for basic job defintion in addition to implementations of all
general methods in the interface. With the Base, you only need to
implement a Run()
method and whatever application logic is required
for the task.
The only case where embedding the Base type may be contraindicated is in conjunction with the REST interface, as the Base type may require more complicated initialization processes.
If your core application operations are implemented in terms of
amboy.Jobs, then you can: execute them independently of queues by
calling the Run()
method, use a locally backed queue for
synchronous operation for short running queues, and use a limited size
queue or remote-backed queue as part of a long running service.
- curator uses amboy to support the file sync operation as part of the sthree (s3) package. Additionally, the main repobuilder operation (Job) operation is implemented in terms of an amboy.Job instance but executed directly to support alternate deployments as needs change.
- All checks in the greenbay tool implement an interface that is a super-set of the Job interface and executed in a local queue.
Please submit pull requests or issues with additional examples of amboy use.
See the godoc API documentation <> for more information about amboy interfaces and internals.
Please file all issues in the MAKE project in the MongoDB Jira instance.