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(test/hub): test covers operateFlowMatrix case edge HumanGroup, human…
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… has not approved operator
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roleengineer committed Jan 23, 2025
1 parent 401fabb commit 8a5ea26
Showing 1 changed file with 183 additions and 0 deletions.
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions test/hub/PathTransferGroup.t.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.8.13;

import {Test, console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {MintPolicy} from "src/groups/BaseMintPolicy.sol";
import "test/setup/AvatarCreation.sol";
import "test/setup/TimeCirclesSetup.sol";
import "test/utils/Approximation.sol";
import "test/hub/MockDeployment.sol";
import "test/hub/MockHub.sol";
import {IERC1155Errors} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/interfaces/draft-IERC6093.sol";

contract PathTransferGroupTest is Test, TimeCirclesSetup, AvatarCreation, Approximation {
// State variables
MockDeployment public mockDeployment;
MockHub public mockHub;
address public mintPolicy;

// Constructor

constructor() AvatarCreation(4) {}

// Setup

function setUp() public {
// set time to 10 december 2021

mockDeployment = new MockDeployment(INFLATION_DAY_ZERO, 365 days);
mockHub = mockDeployment.hub();
mintPolicy = address(new MintPolicy());

// register 3 humans (Alice, Bob, David) and 1 group (Charlie)
uint256 groupIndex = 2; // Charlie is a group
for (uint256 i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (i != groupIndex) {
// register humans
assertEq(mockHub.isTrusted(addresses[i], addresses[i]), true);
} else {
// register group
mockHub.registerGroup(mintPolicy, "name", "symbol", keccak256(abi.encode(addresses[i])));
// skip time to claim Circles
skipTime(2 days + 1 minutes);

for (uint256 i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (i != groupIndex) {
uint256 balance = mockHub.balanceOf(addresses[i], mockHub.toTokenId(addresses[i]));
assertTrue(relativeApproximatelyEqual(balance, 48 * CRC, ONE_PERCENT));

// get this value first to avoid using `startPrank` over inline calls
uint96 expiry = type(uint96).max;

// David trust (->) Charlie, C -> B, B -> A
// so that Alice can send tokens to David over A-B-C-D
for (uint256 i = N - 1; i > 0; i--) {
vm.prank(addresses[i]);[i - 1], expiry);
assertEq(mockHub.isTrusted(addresses[i], addresses[i - 1]), true);
assertEq(mockHub.isTrusted(addresses[i - 1], addresses[i]), false);

// for consented flow, the origin of the Circles needs to trust the receiver too
// Alice trusts Bob, Bob trusts Charlie, Charlie trusts David
for (uint256 i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
vm.prank(addresses[i]);[i + 1], expiry);
assertEq(mockHub.isTrusted(addresses[i], addresses[i + 1]), true);
assertEq(mockHub.isTrusted(addresses[i + 1], addresses[i]), true);

// Tests

function testOperateFlowMatrixCaseEdgeHumanGroupHumanHasNotApprovedOperator() public {
// Alice <-> Bob <-> Charlie <-> David
// first four avatars have a linear bi-directional trust
uint256 M = N;

// induce demurrage for the path transfer of the balances
skipTime(2 days);

// Flow matrix for transferring Circles from Alice to David
// with indication of which Circles are being sent
// A B C D
// A-B -5A 5A . .
// B-C . -5B 5B .
// C-D . . -5C 5C

address[] memory flowVertices = new address[](M);
TypeDefinitions.FlowEdge[] memory flow = new Hub.FlowEdge[](M - 1);

// allocate three coordinates per flow edge
uint16[] memory coordinates = new uint16[]((M - 1) * 3);

// the flow vertices need to be provided in ascending order
for (uint256 i = 0; i < M; i++) {
flowVertices[i] = sortedAddresses[i];

// the "flow matrix" is a rang three tensor:
// Circles identifier, flow edge, and flow vertex (location)
uint256 index = 0;

// for each row in the flow matrix specify the coordinates and amount
for (uint256 i = 0; i < M - 1; i++) {
// flow is the amount of Circles to send, here constant for each edge
flow[i].amount = uint192(5 * CRC);
flow[i].streamSinkId = uint16(0);
// first index indicates which Circles to use
// for our example, we use the Circles of the sender
coordinates[index++] = lookupMap[i];
// the second coordinate refers to the sender
coordinates[index++] = lookupMap[i];
// the third coordinate specifies the receiver
coordinates[index++] = lookupMap[i + 1];

// only the last flow edge is a terminal edge in this example to Charlie->David
// and it then refers to the single stream Alice -> David of 5 (Charlie) Circles
// start counting from 1, to reserve 0 for the non-terminal edges
flow[2].streamSinkId = uint16(1);

// we have to pack the coordinates into bytes
bytes memory packedCoordinates = packCoordinates(coordinates);

// Lastly we need to define the streams (only one from Alice to David)
TypeDefinitions.Stream[] memory streams = new Hub.Stream[](1);
// the source coordinate for Alice
streams[0].sourceCoordinate = lookupMap[0];
// the flow edges that constitute the termination of this stream
streams[0].flowEdgeIds = new uint16[](1);
streams[0].flowEdgeIds[0] = uint16(2);
// and optional data to pass to the receiver David from Alice
streams[0].data = new bytes(0);

// Alice needs to authorize the operator who sends the flow matrix
// for the test she can approve herselve as an operator
mockHub.setApprovalForAll(addresses[0], true);

// path A -> B -> C -> D
// since A approved operator and B didn't, as C is a group:
// _effectPathTransfers call executing B -> C edge reverts with ERC1155MissingApprovalForAll, because
// _groupMint will be called with sender B and safeBatchTransferFrom reverts on allowanceCheck.
abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC1155Errors.ERC1155MissingApprovalForAll.selector, addresses[0], addresses[1])
// Alice acts as operator and send the flow matrix, but missing Bob's allowance
mockHub.operateFlowMatrix(flowVertices, flow, streams, packedCoordinates);

// works only if Bob approves Alice
mockHub.setApprovalForAll(addresses[0], true);
// Alice acts as operator and send the flow matrix, having Bob's allowance
mockHub.operateFlowMatrix(flowVertices, flow, streams, packedCoordinates);

* @dev Packs an array of uint16 coordinates into bytes.
* Each coordinate is represented as 16 bits (2 bytes).
* @param _coordinates The array of uint16 coordinates.
* @return packedData_ The packed coordinates as bytes.
function packCoordinates(uint16[] memory _coordinates) private pure returns (bytes memory packedData_) {
packedData_ = new bytes(_coordinates.length * 2);

for (uint256 i = 0; i < _coordinates.length; i++) {
packedData_[2 * i] = bytes1(uint8(_coordinates[i] >> 8)); // High byte
packedData_[2 * i + 1] = bytes1(uint8(_coordinates[i] & 0xFF)); // Low byte

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