CRUD app with FastAPI and MongoDB
Create a new directory named Fastapi-Mongo and inside that create a new file named Install fast API and uvicorn using the command:
$ pip install fastapi
$ pip install uvicorn
Create a simple route in to check the setup:
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
async def hello():
return {"msg": "Hello World"}
Now run the command:
$ uvicorn main:app --reload
Navigate to in your browser here you should see the output: { "msg": "Hello World" } You can also check the interactive API documentation at:
Install the MongoDB community edition. Follow for the installation process. To check whether the MongoDB has been installed successfully run the command:
$ mongo --version
Now install MongoDB compass, the free GUI for MongoDB, or set up your account on MongoDB Atlas, which manages MongoDB in the cloud. Here we will use MongoDB Atlas set up your account and create a cluster.
PyMongo is the official MongoDB driver for synchronous python applications. Here is the installation process:
To connect the MongoDB cluster use the atlas collection string for your cluster. Create a file named
import pymongo
conn_str = “Your_Connection_String”
client = pymongo.MongoClient(conn_str)
We will create a database that will store the employee information in an organization. Create a database and a collection named Organisation and employees respectively.
import pymongo
conn_str = “Your_Connection_String”
client = pymongo.MongoClient(conn_str)
db = client["Organisation"]
employeeCollection = db["employees"]
Add each of the functions in the file.
Add a new employee to the collection
def add_employee(data):
data = dict(data)
response = employeeCollection.insert_one(data)
return str(response.inserted_id)
Retreive all employees present in the collection
def all( ):
response = employeeCollection.find({})
data = [ ]
for emp in response:
emp["_id"] = str(emp["_id"])
return data
Retreive a employee with a matching email Id
def get_one(email):
response = employeeCollection.find_one({'email':email})
response["_id"] = str(response["_id"])
return response
Update a employee with matching email Id
def update(data):
data = dict(data)
response = employeeCollection.update_one({"email": data["email"]},
{"$set": data})
return response.modified_count
Delete a employee with matching email Id
def delete(email):
response = employeeCollection.delete_one({"email":email})
return response.deleted_count
Create a file named and create the Employee modal.
from pydantic import BaseModel
class Employees(BaseModel):
email: str
name: str
mobile: str
experienceYear: int
class Emp(BaseModel):
email: str
Add each of the routes in the file
from fastapi import FastAPI
import db
from userModal import *
add the following handler for creating new employee"/create")
async def create(data: Employees):
id = db.add_employee(data)
return {"Inserted": True, "Id": id}
Fire up the uvicorn server and test the route with dummy data and check whether the data is entering into the database or not
this route will retrieve all the employee's details
async def get_all():
data = db.all()
return {"data": data}
this route will return the employee details with a matching email"/one")
def get_one(emp: Emp):
res = db.get_one(
return {"Result": res}
this route will update the employee with matching email id
def update(data: Employees):
res = db.update(data)
return {"Update_Status": True,"Update_Count": res}
this route will delete the employee with a matching email
def delete(emp: Emp):
res = db.delete(
return {"Delete Status": res}