Extract 3'UTR, 5'UTR, CDS, Promoter, Genes from GTF files.
If you only care about the final output, they are hosted build and GTF version wise on riboraptor.
- Python>=3
- gffutils
- pybedtools
The corresponding output gzipped beds are in the data directory.
- r>=3.2.1
- GenomicFeatures
./create_regions_from_gencode.R <path_to_GFF/GTF> <path_to_output_dir>
Will create exons.bed, 3UTR.bed, 5UTR.bed, genes.bed, cds.bed
in <output_dir>
- Download GFF/GTF(GRCh37, v25, comprehensive, CHR) from gencodegenes.org:
wget ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/gencode/Gencode_human/release_25/gencode.v25.annotation.gff3.gz \
&& gunzip gencode.v25.annotation.gff3.gz
- Create regions:
./create_regions_from_gencode.R gencode.v25.annotation.gff3 /path/to/GRCh37/annotation
We use GenePred
format to make the process a bit simple.
Download gtfToGenePred
Convert gtf to GenePred:
gtfToGenePred gencode.v25.annotation.gtf gencode.v25.annotation.genepred
first exons
:python genepred_to_bed.py --first_exon gencode.v25.annotation.genepred
last exons
:python genepred_to_bed.py --last_exon gencode.v25.annotation.genepred
or probably this: