Matryoshka is a package for Laravel that provides Russian-Doll caching for views. This package is based on a series of laracasts lessons with a few modifications See
From the command line, run:
composer require achillesp/matryoshka
For your Laravel app, open config/app.php
and, within the providers
array, append:
This package uses a config file which you can override by publishing to your config dir.
php artisan vendor publish --provider=MatryoshkaServiceProvider --tag=config
In the config file you can set the tag that the cache uses. If you can't use a cache that supports tagging, set it to null.
Also in the config file, you can set whether you want to flush caches on your local machine to help with development.
To use the plugin, you use the blade directives @cache
and @endcache
in your views.
The directive needs an identifier, which can be either a unique string, a Model or a Collection.
<h1>Hello World</h1>
<h2>{{ $post->title }}></h2>
<p>Written By: {{ $post->author->username }}</p>
<div class="body">{{ $post->body }}</div>
In order to cache a Model, one more step is needed. You need to use the Cacheable trait in your Model.
use Achillesp\Matryoshka\Cacheable;
class Post extends Eloquent
use Cacheable;
@foreach ($posts as $post)
@include ('post')
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.