Drupal Create is an iOS app that allows any content contributor to post content to any Drupal website that has included the Drupal MASt module at http://drupal.org/project/mast. This framework was used to create the Drupal Gardens iOS app which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store at https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/drupal-gardens/id561249662?mt=8. You can quickly see what Drupal Create can do by downloading the Drupal Gardens app, adding and configuring the MASt module to your Drupal site and connecting. Additional documentation and resources can be found at http://drupal.org/project/mast
We welcome your contributions to Drupal Create. Please see https://github.com/acquia/drupal-create/wiki/Contributing-to-Drupal-Create
Drupal Create is copyright of Acquia and is licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt
Feel free to use the issue queue and wiki on Github or contact:
- Author: Kyle Browning, Workhabit, https://github.com/kylebrowning
- Manager: Moshe Weitzman, Acquia, http://drupal.org/moshe