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Acquire cards are used to place containers around the respective set of information. The cards allow data display of external systems to be shown within the unified view of the Acquire. Acquire cards appear within the middle and right hand positions of the dashboard.

Acquire has 2 types of cards app-custom-cards and manual-cards. Once the Acquire card is configured correctly, your external system information will appear in the Acquire Agent's dashboard.

Acquire card designs are fully customizable. This document explains how to customize the design using Acquire components templates or custom HTML.

Card configuration is incredibly easy for developers who are conversant in standard technologies for creating cards. To send a card data through your incoming endpoint, you post a JSON or Custom HTML to the endpoint URL. This JSON or HTML containing inputs, labels, multi-select, or tabular data more.

Use case:

You use the Acquire and manage orders on an external system but the agent wants to see the status of the particular contact's order, then the agent can view, change the information in the Acquire dashboard without switching through the card.

At the time of sending data through these cards, customer name, email, phone and other fields will be received from the Acquire, you can get that customer data from external systems.

####Editing: The Acquire Card provides end-user data editing, card editing is done within the same HTML that you just have returned from initialize_url URL.

There are currently two categories of cards available:

Theme options

  • Default template
  • Custom HTML

Card Location



App Custom Card


Your side:

You must add an API endpoint that responds to GET requests with a query and returns a JSON payload. In return, you can send a default template or custom HTML. Examples of default templates are given below.

Create App Custom Card:

  • Go to AppStore.
  • Click on Custom Card App & Install.
  • Add your API endpoint URL in the app settings to get the information on the card. Apart from this, you can also add an optional Authorization Header(Basic Auth or Bearer). Example:{{}}&field={{contact.custom_field_key}} this endpoint URL Acquire will call for dynamic data and It can return the default template or custom HTML.
  • Add the default template or custom HTML, that will provide information from external systems.





Example endpoint URL code:"/card-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
   console.log('contact-information', req.body);
       "canvas": {
           "content": {
               "components": [
                       "type": "card",
                       "style": "single",
                       "items": [
                               "type": "item",
                               "title": "Judi Colton",
                               "subtitle": "Tech Head, California",
                               "bordered": true,
                               "align": "center",
                               "image": {
                                   "url": "",
                                   "height": 300
                               "action": {
                                   "type": "url",
                                   "url": ""
                               "text": [
                                       "type": "text",
                                       "text": "This is paragraph text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                                       "displayStyle": "paragraph"
                                       "type": "text",
                                       "text": "This is muted text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                                       "style": "muted"
                                       "type": "text",
                                       "text": "This is error text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                                       "style": "error"
                                       "type": "text",
                                       "text": "This is error text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                                       "style": "success"
                               "buttons": [
                                       "type": "button",
                                       "label": "Muted button",
                                       "style": "muted",
                                       "action": {
                                           "type": "url",
                                           "url": ""
                                       "type": "button",
                                       "label": "Error button",
                                       "style": "error",
                                       "action": {
                                           "type": "url",
                                           "url": ""
                                       "type": "button",
                                       "label": "Success button",
                                       "style": "success",
                                       "action": {
                                           "type": "url",
                                           "url": ""

Manual Card


To create manual cards:

  1. First of all, you have to configure the Acquire Card space & location. It can be done by using create card API. Make sure that you have added the initialize_url endpoint URL properly. At this endpoint you will get contact data and you can return a customized template or HTML with the data.

  2. Create and return JSON template or custom HTML from your endpoint initialize_url.

  3. The JSON template or HTML sent from your endpoint url will render on the agent dashboard.

Sample code to create ard space & location:
var request = require('request');

var options = {
'method': 'POST',
'url': 'https://{{YOUR_ACQUIRE_ACCOUNT_URL}}/api/v1/crm/ui-component',
'headers': {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {{YOUR_API_KEY}}',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

body: JSON.stringify({"type":"tab","config":{"label":"Sample Card","canvas":{"content_url":true},"action_key":"test-json","action_type":"initialize_tab","iconImageUrl":"./assets/app-store/acquire_saml.svg","initialize_url":""},"displayScope":"contact_action","area":"backend"})

request(options, function (error, response) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);

Supported Types & default template components schema

When creating a card, there is a collection of supported types that can be included in the schema. These types are essentially UI controls that interact to provide content or data to the user card.

Available JSON key for templating:

Name description Notes
Text type - text
text - this is demo text
displayStyle - header/paragraph
style - error/muted/success/normal
align - right/left/center
Represents a paragraph
Image type - image
url -
height - number [default 100%]
width - number [default 100%]
align - right/left/center
rounded - true/false (default -> false)
Embed an image
Link type - link
url -
visibleText - text of redirect url
showLink - true/false (default -> false)
Define external resource
List type - list
items[] - array of items -
type - item_list
title - header text of list
style - text
title - text
action - not required, if given (same as individual items action)
Defines the item in the list
Data Table type - data-table
title - any text
verticalAlign - top/middle/bottom (default-> top)
bordered - true/false (default -> false)
items - array of text to display
type - item (required)
key - text to display(required)
value - text to display(required)
style - same/dark/light/inverted (for formatting of both text-> diff color/dark color/light color)

style - list/table (default ->list)
column - no of number (default 1) (only used when style is list)
space - non-linear or none (default is linear)
subTextAlign - left/right -> (default is left)
Tabular data entry
Cards type - card
style - single/vertical/horizontal (default horizontal)
items - array of item -
type - item
title - header text
subtitle - paragraph text
image - object
url - img url
width - number (default 100%)
height - number (default 100%)
rounded - true/false (default -> false)
align - left/center/right (default-> left)
action - same as other individual item
text - array of text and style(same single object as text
buttons - array of buttons same single object as button
Content container
Divider type - divider
style - dotted/solid (default solid)
size - xs/x/m/l/xl (top bottom spaces)(default is m)
fullWidth - true/false (default false)
Divides a whole into parts vertical.
spacer type - spacer
size - dxs/s/m/l/xl
Create space
Button type - button
label - text to display
style - primary/secondary/link/muted/error/success/outlined (default primary)
size - xs/s/m/l/xl (default m)
action - same as other individual item
Defines a clickable
Feedback type - feedback
label - string text to display
style - star/ thumbs
ratings - number (if style is star > if >5 then it will show max 5) (default is 5)
Rating picker
Section type - section
Items - array of components
Json-to-html type - json-to-htm
json - json object of html markdown
Checkbox type - checkbox
label - text to display
value -
items - array of checkbox item (label, value, checked)
action - same as other individual item
Checkbox item list
Input type - input/textarea
label - text to display
value -
placeholder -
action - same as other individual item
Specifies an input field where the user can enter data
Radio type - radio
label - text to display
value -
id -
action - same as other individual item
Items - array of radio item (label, value, checked)
Radio option list
Single Select type - single-select
label - text to display
Items - array of item to display in dropdown (label, value, id)
Single select dropdown list
Badge type - badge
text - text to display
style - primary/success/error/warning/muted (default primary)
bordered - true/false
rounded - true/false
displayType - primary/secondary/advanced/advanced-secondary
Badges are used to add additional information to any content
Grid type - grid
header - array of header data
key -unique key for data (must be same for body data)
text - text to display(required)
width - to uniquely give width to columns (not required)

data - [{array of body data}]
title - title of the grid (not required)
emptyChar - text to display when there is no data (not required)
columnsWidth - same (for same width of columns ) (not required)
A grid consists of a parent element, with one or more child elements


dashboard"/text-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
    console.log('contact-information', req.body);
        "canvas": {
            "content": {
                "components": [
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "This is a header",
                        "displayStyle": "header"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "This is a header",
                        "displayStyle": "header",
                        "style": "error",
                        "align": "right"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "This is a header",
                        "displayStyle": "header",
                        "style": "success",
                        "align": "right"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "This is a header",
                        "displayStyle": "header",
                        "style": "muted",
                        "align": "center"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "This is paragraph text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                        "displayStyle": "paragraph"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "This is muted text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                        "style": "muted"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "This is error text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                        "style": "error"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "This is error text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                        "style": "success"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "Left aligned",
                        "align": "left"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "Center aligned",
                        "align": "center"
                        "type": "text",
                        "text": "Right aligned",
                        "align": "right"


dashboard"/image-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
    console.log('contact-information', req.body);
        "canvas": {
            "content": {
                "components": [
                        "type": "image",
                        "url": ""
                        "type": "image",
                        "width": 200,
                        "url": ""
                        "type": "image",
                        "height": 200,
                        "url": ""
                        "type": "image",
                        "width": 200,
                        "height": 200,
                        "align": "right",
                        "url": ""
                        "type": "image",
                        "width": 200,
                        "height": 200,
                        "align": "center",
                        "url": ""
                        "type": "image",
                        "rounded": true,
                        "url": ""
                        "type": "image",
                        "width": 200,
                        "height": 200,
                        "rounded": true,
                        "url": ""


dashboard"/link-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
    console.log('body==initialize=', req.body);
        "canvas": {
            "content": {
                "components": [
                        "type": "link",
                        "visibleText": "Click Click Click",
                        "url": ""
                        "type": "link",
                        "visibleText": "Click Click Click",
                        "url": "",
                        "showLink": false
                        "type": "link",
                        "visibleText": "Click Click Click",
                        "url": "",
                        "showLink": true
                        "type": "link",
                        "url": "",
                        "showLink": false
                        "type": "link",
                        "url": "",
                        "showLink": true


dashboard"/list-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
    console.log('contact-information', req.body);
        "canvas": {
            "content": {
                "components": [
                        "type": "list",
                        "items": [
                                "type": "item",
                                "id": "selected_article",
                                "title": "**WeChat**",
                                "subtitle": "WeChat is a Chinese multi-purp...",
                                "image": {
                                    "url": "",
                                    "width": 30,
                                    "rounded": true,
                                    "height": 30
                                "value": "",
                                "action": {
                                    "type": "submit"
                                "type": "item",
                                "id": "selected_article",
                                "title": "**Missed Chats**",
                                "subtitle": "You can use the "Filters&...",
                                "image": {
                                    "url": "",
                                    "width": 30,
                                    "height": 30
                                "value": "",
                                "action": {
                                    "type": "submit"
                                "type": "item",
                                "id": "selected_article",
                                "title": "**Live Chat Profiles**",
                                "subtitle": "The chat profile provides a de...",
                                "image": {
                                    "url": "",
                                    "width": 30,
                                    "height": 30
                                "value": "",
                                "action": {
                                    "type": "submit"
                                "type": "item",
                                "id": "selected_article",
                                "title": "**Dialog Flow Chatbot **",
                                "subtitle": "As you may now know Acquire ha...",
                                "image": {
                                    "url": "",
                                    "width": 30,
                                    "height": 30
                                "value": "",
                                "action": {
                                    "type": "submit"
                                "type": "item",
                                "id": "selected_article",
                                "title": "**How to use Live Chat in Acquire**",
                                "subtitle": "This article is a basic overview...",
                                "image": {
                                    "url": "",
                                    "width": 30,
                                    "height": 30
                                "value": "",
                                "action": {
                                    "type": "submit"


Data Table

dashboard"/table-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
    console.log('contact-information', req.body);
        "canvas": {
            "content": {
                "components": [
                        "type": "data-table",
                        "title": "Order details",
                        "verticalAlign": "middle",
                        "style": "list",
                        "column": "2",
                        "items": [
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Order ID",
                                "value": "AMA#12062020"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Order Created Date",
                                "value": "Thursday, 12 March 2020"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Order Updated Date",
                                "value": "Thursday, 12 March 2020"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Order Status",
                                "value": "Processing"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Payment Method",
                                "value": "Gpay"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Amount",
                                "value": "10000"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Discount Amount",
                                "value": "1000"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Offer Applied",
                                "value": "YES"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Coupon Applied",
                                "value": "YES"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Coupon Amount",
                                "value": "500"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "TAX",
                                "value": "200"
                                "type": "item",
                                "key": "Final Amount",
                                "value": "8700"


dashboard"/card-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
    console.log('contact-information', req.body);
        "canvas": {
            "content": {
                "components": [
                        "type": "card",
                        "style": "single",
                        "items": [
                                "type": "item",
                                "title": "Judi Colton",
                                "subtitle": "Tech Head, California",
                                "bordered": true,
                                "align": "center",
                                "image": {
                                    "url": "",
                                    "height": 300
                                "action": {
                                    "type": "url",
                                    "url": ""
                                "text": [
                                        "type": "text",
                                        "text": "This is paragraph text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                                        "displayStyle": "paragraph"
                                        "type": "text",
                                        "text": "This is muted text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                                        "style": "muted"
                                        "type": "text",
                                        "text": "This is error text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                                        "style": "error"
                                        "type": "text",
                                        "text": "This is error text. Here's a [link]( Here's some *bold text*. Lorem ipsum.",
                                        "style": "success"
                                "buttons": [
                                        "type": "button",
                                        "label": "Muted button",
                                        "style": "muted",
                                        "action": {
                                            "type": "url",
                                            "url": ""
                                        "type": "button",
                                        "label": "Error button",
                                        "style": "error",
                                        "action": {
                                            "type": "url",
                                            "url": ""
                                        "type": "button",
                                        "label": "Success button",
                                        "style": "success",
                                        "action": {
                                            "type": "url",
                                            "url": ""

[divider | button | spacer | feedback]

dashboard"/multi-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
          console.log('contact-information', req.body);
              "canvas": {
                  "content": {
                      "components": [
                              "type": "divider",
                              "style": "dotted", //dotted/solid (default solid)
                              "type": "spacer",
                              "size": "xl" // xs/x/m/l/xl (top bottom spaces)(default is m),
                              "fullWidth" : false //true/false (default false)
                              "type": "button",
                              "label": "Normal Button"
                              "type": "button",
                              "label": "Normal Button",
                              "style": "primary" //primary/secondary/link/muted/error/success/outlined  (default primary)
                              "type": "button",
                              "label": "Secondary button",
                              "style": "secondary"
                              "type": "spacer",
                              "size": "xl" // xs/s/m/l/xl (default m)
                              "type": "button",
                              "label": "Outlined button",
                              "style": "outlined"
                              "type": "button",
                              "label": "Link button",
                              "style": "link"
                              "type": "button",
                              "label": "Muted button",
                              "style": "muted"
                              "type": "button",
                              "label": "Error button",
                              "style": "error"
                              "type": "button",
                              "label": "Success button",
                              "style": "success"
                              "type": "spacer",
                              "size": "xl"
                              "type": "feedback",
                              "style": "star", //star/ thumbs
                              "label": "How good are you in frontend technologies",
                              "rating": 9 //number (if style is star > if >5 then it will show max 5) (default is 5)
                              "type": "feedback",
                              "style": "thumbs",
                              "label": "How good are you in backend technologies"
                              "type": "feedback",
                              "style": "thumbs",
                              "size": "l",
                              "label": "Thumbs rating variation"



       console.log('contact-information', req.body);
           "canvas": {
               "content": {
                   "components": [
                           "type": "section",
                           "verticalAlign": "middle",
                           "align": "separate",
                           "items": [
                                   "type": "card",
                                   "style": "horizontal",
                                   "items": [
                                           "type": "item",
                                           "title": "Delivery Order #LP01206",
                                           "subtitle": "Pizza can makes anyone happy.",
                                           "image": {
                                               "url": "",
                                               "width": 50,
                                               "height": 50,
                                               "rounded": true
                                   "type": "list",
                                   "align": "right",
                                   "items": [
                                           "type": "item_list",
                                           "style": "button",
                                           "items": [
                                                   "type": "button",
                                                   "style": "secondary",
                                                   "label": "Call Restaurant"
                                                   "type": "button",
                                                   "label": "Support",
                                                   "style": "secondary"
                           "type": "divider"
                           "type": "section",
                           "verticalAlign": "top",
                           "align": "separate",
                           "items": [
                                   "type": "data-table",
                                   "title": "Order Summary",
                                   "verticalAlign": "top",
                                   "style": "table",
                                   "items": [
                                           "type": "item",
                                           "key": "Cheezy-7 Pizza",
                                           "value": "3"
                                           "type": "item",
                                           "key": "Burn to Hell Pizza",
                                           "value": "2"
                                           "type": "item",
                                           "key": "Veg Red Sauce Pasta",
                                           "value": "1"
                                           "type": "item",
                                           "key": "Cheese Garlic Bread",
                                           "value": "3"
                                           "type": "item",
                                           "key": "Total",
                                           "value": "5500",
                                           "style": "same"
                                   "type": "data-table",
                                   "title": "Order details",
                                   "verticalAlign": "middle",
                                   "style": "list",
                                   "action": {
                                       "type": "button",
                                       "label": "Delivered By"
                                   "items": [
                                           "type": "item",
                                           "key": "Address",
                                           "value": "1201, Times Square I Thaltej,\nShilaj Rd, opposite Rambag,\nThaltej, Ahmedabad,\nGujarat 380059"
                                   "type": "image",
                                   "width": 200,
                                   "height": 200,
                                   "align": "right",
                                   "verticalAlign": "middle",
                                   "url": ""
                           "type": "divider"
                           "type": "list",
                           "items": [
                                   "type": "item_list",
                                   "style": "button",
                                   "items": [
                                           "type": "button",
                                           "label": "Order Again"
                                           "type": "button",
                                           "label": "Report",
                                           "style": "error"
                                           "type": "button",
                                           "label": "Rate Us",
                                           "style": "success"


dashboard"/json-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
    console.log('contact-information', req.body);
        "canvas": {
            "content": {
                "components": [
                        "type": "json-to-html",
                        "json": [
                                "attributes": [],
                                "children": [
                                        "textContent": "hello from",
                                        "type": "text"
                                        "attributes": [],
                                        "children": [
                                                "textContent": "bot.",
                                                "type": "text"
                                        "tagName": "strong",
                                        "type": "element"
                                        "attributes": [],
                                        "children": [
                                                "textContent": "this text will show in italic format.",
                                                "type": "text"
                                        "tagName": "em",
                                        "type": "element"
                                        "attributes": [],
                                        "children": [
                                                "textContent": "underline.",
                                                "type": "text"
                                        "tagName": "u",
                                        "type": "element"
                                "tagName": "p",
                                "type": "element"

Checkbox | input/textarea | radio | single-select |

dashboard"/mix1-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
    console.log('contact-information', req.body);
        "canvas": {
            "content": {
                "components": [
                        "_comment1": "this is checkbox",
                        "type": "checkbox",
                        "label": "Sample checkbox example",
                        "value": "",
                        "items": [
                                "label": "Choice - 1",
                                "value": "1",
                                "checked": ""
                                "label": "Choice - 2",
                                "value": "2",
                                "checked": ""
                                "label": "Choice - 3",
                                "value": "3",
                                "checked": ""
                                "label": "Choice - 4",
                                "value": "4",
                                "checked": ""
                        "_comment2": "this is input/textarea",
                        "type": "input", //input/textarea
                        "label": "Sample normal input field",
                        "value": "",
                        "placeholder": "Type here.."
                        "type": "input", //input/textarea
                        "label": "Sample input with action button",
                        "value": "",
                        "placeholder": "Type here..",
                        "action": {
                            "type": "event",
                            "value": "acquireIO.trigger('setInputValue','Hi', true)"
                        "type": "textarea", //input/textarea
                        "label": "Sample textarea",
                        "value": "",
                        "placeholder": "Type here.."
                        "type": "textarea", //input/textarea
                        "label": "Sample textarea with action button",
                        "value": "",
                        "placeholder": "Type here..",
                        "action": {
                            "type": "event",
                            "value": "acquireIO.trigger('setInputValue','Hello', true)"
                        "_comment3": "this is radio button",
                        "id": "chkb",
                        "type": "radio",
                        "label": "Sample radio button example",
                        "value": "",
                        "items": [
                                "label": "Choice - 1",
                                "value": "`",
                                "checked": ""
                                "label": "Choice - 2",
                                "value": "2",
                                "checked": ""
                                "label": "Choice - 3",
                                "value": "3",
                                "checked": ""

                        "_comment4": "this is single-select",
                        "type": "single-select",
                        "label": "Sample single select",
                        "items": [
                                "label": "Select 1",
                                "value": "1",
                                "id": "1"
                                "label": "Select 2",
                                "value": "2",
                                "id": "2"
                                "label": "Select 3",
                                "value": "3",
                                "id": "3"

badge | grid

dashboard"/mix2-initialize", (req, res, next) => {
    console.log('contact-information', req.body);
        "canvas": {
            "content": {
                "components": [
                        "type": "badge",
                        "text": "Normal Badge"
                        "type": "badge",
                        "text": "Error Badge",
                        "style": "error"
                        "type": "badge",
                        "text": "Success Badge",
                        "style": "success"
                        "type": "badge",
                        "text": "Warning Badge",
                        "style": "warning"
                        "type": "badge",
                        "text": "Mute Badge",
                        "style": "muted"
                        "_comment2": "this is a grid",
                        "type": "grid",
                        "header": [
                                "key": "name",
                                "text": "Name"
                                "key": "email",
                                "text": "Email Id"
                        "data": [
                                "name": "Ellan",
                                "email": "[email protected]",
                                "name": "Jonas",
                                "email": "[email protected]"

                                "name": "Mike",
                                "email": "[email protected]"
                                "name": "Janet",
                                "email": "[email protected]",
                                "name": "Sheldon",
                                "email": "[email protected]",


No description, website, or topics provided.






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