Releases: adafruit/Adafruit_TLC59711
Releases · adafruit/Adafruit_TLC59711
1.3.4 bump version
1.3.3 - Updated CI Actions versions
Update CI action versions
ESP32 CI fix
No functional change for users; strictly for ESP32 testing automation
1.3.1 - Fixed setPWM not working above 255 channels
Bump to 1.3.1
1.3.0 - Added rainbow function, moved to BusIO, added getLed
1.1.3 - Fix doxygen index page
Merge pull request #16 from adafruit/doxy-fix Fixed doxygen index page
1.1.2 - Added docs badge
Moving to GitHub Actions for CI
This release moves Adafruit_TLC59711
to use GitHub actions for Continuous Integration as well as adding automated checks for formatting using clang-format
and automated documentation checks using Doxygen
Support Arduino Due
Now compiles for Arduino Due