- Introduction : theory and implementation, muliplicity, multiplier, ...
- Simple roots ( multiplicity = 1)
- period 12
- period 1
- period 2
- period 3
- multiple roots ( multiplicity > 1) - parabolic case
The Newton iteration for 400 starting points on a circle of radius r = 2 (here for a polynomial of degree 4096, so we do not have enough starting points to find all roots; the polynomial shown here describes periodic points of period dividing 12 of f(z) = z^2 + i). The apparent lines connect orbits under the Newton dynamics;
Here is my image of rays
Julia set and rays
Text output of c program
period = 12
degree of polynomial = 4096
number of starting points sMax = 400
dt = 2.500000e-03
radius of the circle = 2.000000
maximal allowed number of Newton iterations nMax = 40960 ( 10*degree)
maximal used number of Newton iterations maximal_n = 3337
epsilon = 1.000000e-06
c = 0.000000 ; 1.000000
nan_errors = 0
point_errors = 0
point_drawn = 400
- m.c - c code ( 1 file program which creates pgm file)
Conversion from pgm to png using Image Magick:
convert 12.pgm -resize 600x600 12.png
parameter c of the function fc(z) = z^2+c is c = 0.0000000000000000 ; 1.0000000000000000
period = 1
degree of polynomial = 2 = 2^period
prime factors of 1 =
number of roots = number of periodic points = degree of polynomial = 2
number of starting points sMax = 4
succes : all 2 distinct points are found !!
dt = 2.500000e-01
radius of the circle around all periodic points = 2.000000e+00
maximal allowed number of Newton iterations nMax = 120 = 10*degree + 100, see setup
maximal used number of Newton iterations maximal_n = 29
stopping criterion for the Newton iteration is epsilon_stop = 1.000000e-18
m_dist = 1.000000000000000036e-10
minimal distnce in zzd =1.414214e+00 between roots
periodic points are:
z = +1.300242590220120419; -0.624810533843826587 exact period = 1 stability = 2.885147480892119399
z = -0.300242590220120419; +0.624810533843826587 exact period = 1 stability = 1.386410929247594584
attracting limit cycle with exact period :
the sum of all roots should be zero by Viete’s formula (this sum should be the negative of the degree d − 1 coefficient)
Viete sum = 1.000000000000000000e+00 ( it should be zero )```
- Number of the roots = 2
- 2 fixed points
Newton basins
Newton basins, rays and periodic points
Newton basins with levels sets of Newton iterations
Newton basins with level sets, rays and periodic points
Newton basins with Julia set, level sets of Newton iterations, rays and periodic points
File names are p_sMax_n.png where:
- p is a period
- sMax is a number of starting points
- n is an arbitrary number of a picture
Text output of the program
parameter c of the function fc(z) = z^2+c is c = 0.0000000000000000 ; 1.0000000000000000
period = 2
degree of polynomial = 4 = 2^period
prime factors of 2 = 2
number of roots = number of periodic points = degree of polynomial = 4
number of starting points sMax = 8
succes : all 4 distinct points are found !!
dt = 1.250000e-01
radius of the circle around all periodic points = 2.000000e+00
maximal allowed number of Newton iterations nMax = 140 = 10*degree + 100, see setup
maximal used number of Newton iterations maximal_n = 42
stopping criterion for the Newton iteration is epsilon_stop = 1.000000e-18
m_dist = 1.000000000000000036e-10
minimal distnce in zzd =7.939947e-01 between roots
periodic points are:
z = +1.300242590220120419; -0.624810533843826587 exact period = 1 stability = 2.885147480892119399
z = -0.300242590220120419; +0.624810533843826587 exact period = 1 stability = 1.386410929247594584
z = -1.000000000000000000; +1.000000000000000000 exact period = 2 stability = 5.656854249492380195
z = -0.000000000000000000; -1.000000000000000000 exact period = 2 stability = 5.656854249492380195
attracting limit cycle with exact period :
the sum of all roots should be zero by Viete’s formula (this sum should be the negative of the degree d − 1 coefficient)
Viete sum = 1.045143821782786559e-19 ( it should be zero )```
- Number of the roots = 4
- 1 period 2 cycle (= 2 )
- 2 fixed points
First example : periodic points of the dendrite Julia set
parameter c of the function fc(z) = z^2+c is c = 0.0000000000000000 ; 1.0000000000000000
period = 3
degree of polynomial = 8 = 2^period
prime factors of 3 = 3
number of roots = number of periodic points = degree of polynomial = 8
number of starting points sMax = 16
succes : all 8 distinct points are found !!
dt = 6.250000e-02
radius of the circle around all periodic points = 2.000000e+00
maximal allowed number of Newton iterations nMax = 180 = 10*degree + 100, see setup
maximal used number of Newton iterations maximal_n = 58
stopping criterion for the Newton iteration is epsilon_stop = 1.000000e-18
m_dist = 1.000000000000000036e-10
minimal distnce in zzd =3.585710e-01 between roots
periodic points are:
z = +1.300242590220120419; -0.624810533843826587 exact period = 1 stability = 2.885147480892119399
z = +0.100102984663451134; -0.349424850666336804 exact period = 3 stability = 3.168659127802740935
z = -0.300242590220120419; +0.624810533843826587 exact period = 1 stability = 1.386410929247594584
z = -0.112077118724660643; +0.930043059065437968 exact period = 3 stability = 3.168659127802740858
z = -0.852418811174176060; +0.791526907300152676 exact period = 3 stability = 3.168659127802740441
z = -1.290491233241733357; +0.779281718235989916 exact period = 3 stability = 20.197817884052375560
z = +0.096796551780185860; -1.140114382717044562 exact period = 3 stability = 20.197817884052375560
z = +1.058087626696933066; -1.011312451218199194 exact period = 3 stability = 20.197817884052375560
attracting limit cycle with exact period :
the sum of all roots should be zero by Viete’s formula (this sum should be the negative of the degree d − 1 coefficient)
Viete sum = 1.084202172485504434e-19 ( it should be zero )```
- Number of the roots = 8
- 2 period 3 cycles (= 6 )
- 2 fixed points
Second example: periodic points of Rabbit Julia set ( c is a center of period 3 hyperbolic component of Mandelbrot set)
parameter c of the function fc(z) = z^2+c is c = -0.1225611668766540 ; 0.7448617666197440
period = 3
degree of polynomial = 8 = 2^period
prime factors of 3 = 3
number of roots = number of periodic points = degree of polynomial = 8
number of starting points sMax = 16
succes : all 8 distinct points are found !!
dt = 6.250000e-02
radius of the circle around all periodic points = 2.000000e+00
maximal allowed number of Newton iterations nMax = 180 = 10*degree + 100, see setup
maximal used number of Newton iterations maximal_n = 65
stopping criterion for the Newton iteration is epsilon_stop = 1.000000e-18
m_dist = 1.000000000000000036e-10
minimal distnce in zzd =3.065014e-01 between roots
periodic points are:
z = +1.276337623593117529; -0.479727984309394897 exact period = 1 stability = 2.727032576504271481
z = +0.000000000000000385; +0.000000000000000798 exact period = 3 stability = 0.000000000000004646
z = -0.276337623593117529; +0.479727984309394897 exact period = 1 stability = 1.107251409830028695
z = -0.122561166876653999; +0.744861766619744015 exact period = 3 stability = 0.000000000000004646
z = -0.662358978622372968; +0.562279512062300512 exact period = 3 stability = 0.000000000000004646
z = -1.247255127827276373; +0.662949719009367346 exact period = 3 stability = 16.158407096723733116
z = +0.038593416246120549; -1.061217891258985840 exact period = 3 stability = 16.158407096723733444
z = +0.993581857080182406; -0.908873106432426830 exact period = 3 stability = 16.158407096723733444
attracting limit cycle with exact period :
z = +0.000000000000000385; +0.000000000000000798 exact period = 3 stability = 0.000000000000004646
z = -0.122561166876653999; +0.744861766619744015 exact period = 3 stability = 0.000000000000004646
z = -0.662358978622372968; +0.562279512062300512 exact period = 3 stability = 0.000000000000004646
the sum of all roots should be zero by Viete’s formula (this sum should be the negative of the degree d − 1 coefficient)
Viete sum = 2.235140038340936236e-19 ( it should be zero )
Periodic points are roots of the function :
Image :
- 2 periodic points and 2 basin of attractions with level sets of Newton method with Newton rays
- Julia set
- periodic points
One can see that
- one ray lands on the right periodic point
- other rays land on the right periodic point
Numbers of Newton iteration before before method converges:
ray : n = 6
ray : n = 48
ray : n = 76
ray : n = 45
ray : n = 40
ray : n = 43
ray : n = 61
ray : n = 48
One point is easily reached after few ( 6 ) Newton iterations, but second ( probably right) periodic point is hard to reach ( 45 to 76 Newton iterations). It probably means that one point is a simple root (algorithm converges quadratically ) and other is multiple root ( algorithm converges linearly)
Text output of the program:
period = 2
degree of polynomial = 4 = 2^period
prime factors of 2 = 2
number of roots = number of periodic points = degree of polynomial = 4
number of starting points sMax = 8
only 2 from 4 distinct points are found !!!
Possible solutions:
multiple roots so do nothing
increase m_dist
increase number of starting points sMax
dt = 1.250000e-01
radius of the circle around all periodic points = 2.000000e+00
maximal allowed number of Newton iterations nMax = 140 = 10*degree + 100, see setup
maximal used number of Newton iterations maximal_n = 140
possible error : nMax == maximal_n ; increase nMax
stopping criterion for the Newton iteration is epsilon_stop = 1.000000e-18
m_dist = 9.999999999999999547e-07
minimal distnce in zzd =1.414214e+00 between roots
periodic points are:
z = +1.500000000000000000; +0.000000000000000000 exact period = 1 stability = 3.000000000000000000
z = -0.500000128997930818; +0.000000000000000000 exact period = 2 stability = 0.999999999999900080
attracting limit cycle with exact period = 2:
One can see that:
- one root is repelling ( stability > 1)
- the second root is parabolic ( stability is aproximately equal to 1 )
Good results using symbolic computations are roots:
- z = 3/2 with multiplicity 1
- z = -1/2 with multiplicities 3
How to find multiplicity of periodic points ?
Dynamic plane ( complex plane) : colour is proportional to arg(z) in turns
Dynamical plane : colour is proportional to arg(f^2(z)) in turns
One can count how many times argument is changing around a root.
To do it one can use this c program
Here is the image how argument ( measured with carg function) is changing around root:
Periodic points as an intersections of 2 impicit curves
A useful way to visualize the roots of a complex function is to plot the 0 contours of the real and imaginary parts. That is, compute z = Dm(...) on a reasonably dense grid, and then use >matplotlib's contour function to plot the contours where z.real is 0 and where z.imag is zero. The roots of the function are the points where these contours intersect. Warren Weckesser
- m.c - c code ( 1 file program which creates 12.pgm file)
- n.c - c code ( 1 file program which creates pgm files: basins and rays )
- p.c - c code for parabolic case
- multiplicity.c - c program for numerical estimation of root's multiplicity
- p.mac - Maxima CAS batch file ( program)
- 2.mac - Maxima CAS batch file ( program) for checking peroid 2 case
- i.mac - Maxima CAS batch file ( program) for drawing periodic points as an intersections of implicit curves
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 - see the LICENSE file for details
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- the Redcarpet Ruby library for Markdown processing
- KaTeX to render math written with the LaTeX syntax, but only subset
cd existing_folder
git init
git remote add origin [email protected]:adammajewski/periodic-points-of-complex-quadratic-polynomial-using-newton-method.git
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master
git clone [email protected]:adammajewski/periodic-points-of-complex-quadratic-polynomial-using-newton-method.git
mkdir images
git add *.png
git mv *.png ./images
git commit -m "move"
git push -u origin master
then link the images:
![](./images/n.png "description")
gitm mv -f
to overwrite
local repo : ~/c/julia/periodic/newton/pgm2