- Linux / Mac OS X
- 2 GB RAM allocatable to java
- internet connection (to download scala-library if not present in gradle cache)
- Java 8 JDK
java -version
should workjavac -version
should work
- Included External Dependencies
- gradle build tool
- scala-library:2.7.11
- specs2 test framework
Build & Run
$ tar -xzvf chaitin.tgz
$ cd chaitin
$ ./gradlew dist
$ cd build/distributions
$ tar -xzvf chaitin-0.1.0.tgz
$ cd chaitin-0.1.0
$ ./ <path/to/simplewiki.tsv>
Sample Output
[INFO ] pid file: /tmp/
indexing: simplewiki.tsv
indexed [100990] docs in [44138] msecs
search> black hole sun
102357 Soundgarden
258424 Black Hole Sun
131337 List of Soundgarden awards
131726 Fell on Black Days
3017 Star
3506 Black hole
131375 Songs from the Superunknown
102485 Superunknown
131328 Soundgarden discography
4570 A Brief History of Time
ranked [26] docs in [126] msecs
search> ^C
- text tokenization / analysis
- regex tokenizer
- O(k) space and time in the size of the analyzed text
- lowercase token filter
- O(k) space and time
- can be done in-place
- regex tokenizer
- creation of in-memory inverted / forward indexes
- O(N * k * log(k)) time complexity, O(N * k) space complexity (k: dictionary terms in the corpus; N: documents in the corpus)
- practical: 100990 documents indexed in 40 seconds
- text tokenization / analysis
- text tokenization / analysis / Query formation
- same as during indexing for a field
- query-document matching
- O(N * log(k)) time complexity (N: documents in corpus; k: terms in query)
- O(N) space complexity, can be reduced to O(1)
- scoring
- O(N * j^2) time complexity (all pairs positional distance)
- practical: median query time ~ 40 milliseconds
- text tokenization / analysis / Query formation
Matching: All word match (Conjunction)
- no fuzzy matching
- no sophisticated analysis/normalization
- no criteria relaxation (quorum, etc.)
Ranking: TF-IDF + proximity (phrase permutation matches are best, graceful degradation)
- O(N^2) Algorithm
- No query time boosts for Multi-field match ranking
- no differentiation between exact phrase and out-of-order phrase matches
In order of priority:
- unit tests (completely lacking)
- extraneous use of memory for indexing, search. little use of primitive arrays/compression encodings
- too much copying of data, boxing/unboxing, may lead to GC pressure
- No thread safety between indexing and search, no multi-threading
- on-disk index representation for faster reloading
- more analyzers
- more queries (disjunction/quorum, fuzzy, span)
- better dictionary structure for prefix/fuzzy matching
- document deletion
- segmented indexes, segment merging
- no skip-lists while traversing posting lists
- code comments
- IOC / Configuration / Dependency Injection
- scala programming language
- my memory of lucene 2.x/3.x code