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Only another karaoke application.

Application setup


  • Redis
  • Mysql


  1. Install mysql lib

    • In Arch

       sudo pacman -S libmysqlclient
    • In Debian

       sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
  2. Clone repository

    git clone
  3. Go to karajoker

    cd karajoker
  4. Install dependencies

    bundle install
  5. Start MySQL server

    bundle exec rake mysql:start
  6. Setup on bashrc:

    export DB_HOSTNAME="localhost"
    export DB_USERNAME="root"
    export DB_PASSWORD="Your password"
  7. Open a new bash session

  8. Setup db

    1. Get db username and password

      bundle exec rake db:config
    2. Create schema (Require password)

      bundle exec rake db:create-schema
    3. Migrate schema

      bundle exec rake db:migrate
  9. Check whether the application works perfectly, runing all test (Optional)

    bundle exec rake
  10. Start redis

    bundle exec rake redis:start
  11. Start sidekiq worker (On other bash session)

    bundle exec rake sidekiq:start
  12. Run application

    bundle exec rails server
  13. Find and index top karaokes

    • Index first 10 songs from a top 100 songs chart at 2015 (This cloud take many time):

      bundle exec rake job:index[10,2015..2015,3000]
    • Index all songs of top 100 songs charts from 1970 to 2015 (This cloud take days):

    bundle exec rake job:index[100,1970..2015,3000]

    Notes * Last parameter is the application port. * On zsh session user \ before [ or ].

  14. Monitor index process with Sidekiq.

  15. Go to Karajoker

Setup in Docker


  • Docker 1.9.1
  • Docker Compose 1.5.1


  1. Build images: This action is required after some changes on kararajoker application to update these on the docker container.

    bundle exec rake docker:build
  2. Start containers

    bundle exec rake docker:start
  3. Setup db

    1. Get container id of karajoker_karajoker

      docker ps
    2. Open a bash session on karajoker_karajoker container

      docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
    3. Get db user and password

      bundle exec rake db:config
    4. Create schema (Require password)

      bundle exec rake db:create-schema
    5. Migrate schema

      bundle exec rake db:migrate
  4. Find and index top karaokes

    bundle exec rake job:index[10,2015]
  5. Config greylog input (only one time):

    1. Sign in:
      • Username: admin
      • Password: password
    2. Menu System -> Input
    3. Select "GELF UDP" input type
    4. Launch new input
    5. Title: Karajoker
    6. Launch
  6. Monitor index process with:

  7. Go to Karajoker


Another youtube karaoke application







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