An inference environment for launching and benchmarking vLLM
servers with customizable yaml
configurations for compatible large language models.
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy/paste custom test configurations:
cp config/vllm_config.yaml config/vllm_test.yaml
Launch a vllm_server
with your custom test config:
python server/ config/vllm_test.yaml
Test your vllm_api_health
with the same config file:
python test/ config/vllm_test.yaml
Run a benchmark
(feel free to customize with more options and values):
python3 benchmarks/ \
--backend openai \
--base-url \
--model neuralmagic/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-FP8 \
--num-prompts 1000 \
--dataset-name sharegpt \
--dataset-path benchmarks/data/ShareGPT_V3_cleaned_split_test_dataset.json \
--request-rate 1000 \
--seed 12345
Route | Methods | Description |
/openapi.json |
GET, HEAD | OpenAPI specification |
/docs |
GET, HEAD | Swagger UI for API documentation |
/docs/oauth2-redirect |
GET, HEAD | OAuth2 redirect for Swagger UI |
/redoc |
GET, HEAD | ReDoc UI for API documentation |
/health |
GET | Health check endpoint |
/tokenize |
POST | Tokenize input text |
/detokenize |
POST | Detokenize token IDs |
/v1/models |
GET | List available models |
/version |
GET | Get server version information |
/v1/chat/completions |
POST | Generate chat completions |
/v1/completions |
POST | Generate text completions |
root@a945b872d57c:~/vllm-lab/benchmarks# python3 --help
usage: [-h]
[--backend {tgi,vllm,lmdeploy,deepspeed-mii,openai,openai-chat,tensorrt-llm,scalellm}]
[--base-url BASE_URL] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--endpoint ENDPOINT]
[--dataset DATASET] [--dataset-name {sharegpt,sonnet,random}]
[--dataset-path DATASET_PATH] --model MODEL [--tokenizer TOKENIZER]
[--best-of BEST_OF] [--use-beam-search] [--num-prompts NUM_PROMPTS]
[--sharegpt-output-len SHAREGPT_OUTPUT_LEN] [--sonnet-input-len SONNET_INPUT_LEN]
[--sonnet-output-len SONNET_OUTPUT_LEN] [--sonnet-prefix-len SONNET_PREFIX_LEN]
[--random-input-len RANDOM_INPUT_LEN] [--random-output-len RANDOM_OUTPUT_LEN]
[--random-range-ratio RANDOM_RANGE_RATIO] [--request-rate REQUEST_RATE]
[--seed SEED] [--trust-remote-code] [--disable-tqdm] [--save-result]
[--metadata [KEY=VALUE ...]] [--result-dir RESULT_DIR]
[--result-filename RESULT_FILENAME]
Benchmark the online serving throughput.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--backend {tgi,vllm,lmdeploy,deepspeed-mii,openai,openai-chat,tensorrt-llm,scalellm}
--base-url BASE_URL Server or API base url if not using http host and port.
--host HOST
--port PORT
--endpoint ENDPOINT API endpoint.
--dataset DATASET Path to the ShareGPT dataset, will be deprecated in the next release.
--dataset-name {sharegpt,sonnet,random}
Name of the dataset to benchmark on.
--dataset-path DATASET_PATH
Path to the dataset.
--model MODEL Name of the model.
--tokenizer TOKENIZER
Name or path of the tokenizer, if not using the default tokenizer.
--best-of BEST_OF Generates `best_of` sequences per prompt and returns the best one.
--num-prompts NUM_PROMPTS
Number of prompts to process.
--sharegpt-output-len SHAREGPT_OUTPUT_LEN
Output length for each request. Overrides the output length from the ShareGPT
--sonnet-input-len SONNET_INPUT_LEN
Number of input tokens per request, used only for sonnet dataset.
--sonnet-output-len SONNET_OUTPUT_LEN
Number of output tokens per request, used only for sonnet dataset.
--sonnet-prefix-len SONNET_PREFIX_LEN
Number of prefix tokens per request, used only for sonnet dataset.
--random-input-len RANDOM_INPUT_LEN
Number of input tokens per request, used only for random sampling.
--random-output-len RANDOM_OUTPUT_LEN
Number of output tokens per request, used only for random sampling.
--random-range-ratio RANDOM_RANGE_RATIO
Range of sampled ratio of input/output length, used only for random sampling.
--request-rate REQUEST_RATE
Number of requests per second. If this is inf, then all the requests are sent at time
0. Otherwise, we use Poisson process to synthesize the request arrival times.
--seed SEED
--trust-remote-code Trust remote code from huggingface
--disable-tqdm Specify to disable tqdm progress bar.
--save-result Specify to save benchmark results to a json file
--metadata [KEY=VALUE ...]
Key-value pairs (e.g, --metadata version=0.3.3 tp=1) for metadata of this run to be
saved in the result JSON file for record keeping purposes.
--result-dir RESULT_DIR
Specify directory to save benchmark json results.If not specified, results are saved
in the current directory.
--result-filename RESULT_FILENAME
Specify the filename to save benchmark json results.If not specified, results will be
saved in {backend}-{args.request_rate}qps-{base_model_id}-{current_dt}.json format.
For more details, check out
in the vLLM source repo and the benchmarks
from the latest main branch. If you run into weird problems or compatibility hurdles, visit vLLM's issues
page to see if there's a similar shared error others have reported.
The vllm_config.yaml
file wraps all vllm serve cli
args through a developer friendly config file that can be duplicated and version controlled for varied benchmark settings and model inference performance. Visit the bottom of this page to learn more about these configuration arguments. Uncomment the configurations you need and adjust the values as desired. Create and save as many config variations as you'd like, editing server
, model
, performance
, and system
settings to whatever best suits your inference goals.
# Server Settings
host: # Bind address for the server
port: 8000 # Port number for the vLLM server
uvicorn_log_level: info # Logging level for Uvicorn (debug/info/warning/error/critical/trace)
# allow_credentials: false # Enable CORS credentials
# allowed_origins: ["*"] # CORS allowed origins
# allowed_methods: ["GET", "POST", "OPTIONS"] # CORS allowed HTTP methods
# allowed_headers: ["*"] # CORS allowed headers
# api_key: ${VLLM_API_KEY} # API key for authentication (from env var)
# lora_modules: [] # LoRA module configs (name=path format)
# prompt_adapters: [] # Prompt adapter configs (name=path format)
# chat_template: null # Custom chat template file path or inline string
# response_role: assistant # Default role for chat completion responses
# root_path: null # FastAPI root path for proxied setups
# middleware: [] # Additional ASGI middleware (import paths)
# return_tokens_as_token_ids: false # Return token IDs instead of strings for max_logprobs
# disable_frontend_multiprocessing: false # Run OpenAI frontend in same process as model engine
# Model Configuration
name: neuralmagic/Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-FP8 # HuggingFace model name or local path
download_dir: /data # Directory to download and store model files
load_format: auto # Model loading format (auto/pt/safetensors/npcache/dummy/tensorizer/bitsandbytes)
dtype: auto # Data type for model weights and activations
tokenizer: null # Custom tokenizer name/path (if different from model)
tokenizer_mode: auto # Tokenizer mode (auto/slow)
max_model_len: null # Override model's maximum context length, should match max_seq_len_to_capture
kv_cache_dtype: auto # Data type for KV cache
skip_tokenizer_init: false # Skip tokenizer initialization
trust_remote_code: false # Trust remote code from HuggingFace
# revision: null # Specific model version (branch/tag/commit ID)
# code_revision: null # Specific revision for model code on Hugging Face Hub
# tokenizer_revision: null # Specific tokenizer version
# Advanced Model Settings
# quantization: null # Method for weight quantization
# quantization_param_path: null # Path to JSON file with KV cache scaling factors
# enable_lora: false # Enable LoRA adapter handling
# rope_theta: null # RoPE theta parameter
# tokenizer_pool_size: 0 # Size of tokenizer pool for async tokenization
# tokenizer_pool_type: ray # Type of tokenizer pool (ray)
# tokenizer_pool_extra_config: null # Extra config for tokenizer pool (JSON string)
# max_loras: 1 # Maximum number of LoRAs in a single batch
# max_lora_rank: 16 # Maximum LoRA rank
# lora_extra_vocab_size: 256 # Maximum size of extra vocabulary in LoRA adapters
# lora_dtype: auto # Data type for LoRA
# long_lora_scaling_factors: null # Scaling factors for multiple LoRA adapters
# max_cpu_loras: null # Maximum number of LoRAs to store in CPU memory
# fully_sharded_loras: false # Fully shard LoRA computation
# enable_prompt_adapter: false # Enable prompt adapter handling
# max_prompt_adapters: 1 # Maximum number of prompt adapters in a batch
# max_prompt_adapter_token: 0 # Maximum number of prompt adapter tokens
# scheduler_delay_factor: 0.0 # Delay factor for prompt scheduling
# guided_decoding_backend: outlines # Backend for guided decoding (outlines/lm-format-enforcer)
# num_lookahead_slots: 0 # Slots for speculative decoding (experimental)
# max_logprobs: 20 # Maximum number of log probabilities to return
# rope_scaling: null # RoPE scaling configuration (JSON format)
# Performance Settings (GPU and Compute-related)
device: auto # Device type for vLLM execution
max_seq_len_to_capture: null # Maximum sequence length for CUDA graph capture
gpu_memory_utilization: 0.9 # Fraction of GPU memory to use (0.0 to 1.0)
max_num_seqs: 256 # Maximum number of sequences per iteration
distributed_executor_backend: mp # Backend for distributed serving (ray/mp)
tensor_parallel_size: 1 # Number of tensor parallel replicas
# pipeline_parallel_size: 1 # Number of pipeline parallel stages
# max_parallel_loading_workers: null # Number of workers for parallel model loading
# block_size: 16 # Token block size for contiguous processing
# enable_prefix_caching: false # Enable automatic prefix caching
# enforce_eager: false # Always use eager-mode PyTorch
# swap_space: 4 # CPU swap space size (GiB) per GPU
# cpu_offload_gb: 0 # Space (GiB) to offload to CPU per GPU
# disable_sliding_window: false # Disable sliding window attention
# use_v2_block_manager: false # Use BlockSpaceManagerV2
# num_gpu_blocks_override: null # Override number of GPU blocks (for testing)
# max_num_batched_tokens: null # Maximum number of batched tokens per iteration
# disable_custom_all_reduce: false # Disable custom all-reduce implementation
# enable_chunked_prefill: false # Enable chunked prefill for large batches
# speculative_model: null # Name of the draft model for speculative decoding
# num_speculative_tokens: null # Number of speculative tokens to sample
# speculative_draft_tensor_parallel_size: null # Tensor parallel replicas for draft model
# speculative_max_model_len: null # Maximum sequence length for draft model
# speculative_disable_by_batch_size: null # Disable speculative decoding based on batch size
# ngram_prompt_lookup_max: null # Max window size for ngram prompt lookup
# ngram_prompt_lookup_min: null # Min window size for ngram prompt lookup
# spec_decoding_acceptance_method: rejection_sampler # Acceptance method for speculative decoding
# typical_acceptance_sampler_posterior_threshold: null # Posterior threshold for typical acceptance sampler
# typical_acceptance_sampler_posterior_alpha: null # Alpha for typical acceptance sampler
# disable_logprobs_during_spec_decoding: null # Disable log probabilities during speculative decoding
# ray_workers_use_nsight: false # Use Nsight to profile Ray workers
# System and Logging Configuration
seed: 0 # Random config seed for reproducibility
disable_log_stats: false # Disable logging of statistics
model_loader_extra_config: null # Extra config for model loader (JSON string)
ignore_patterns: [] # Patterns to ignore when loading the model
preemption_mode: null # Preemption mode (recompute/swap)
served_model_name: [] # Model name(s) used in the API
qlora_adapter_name_or_path: null # Name or path of the QLoRA adapter
otlp_traces_endpoint: null # Target URL for OpenTelemetry traces
engine_use_ray: false # Use Ray to start LLM engine in separate process
disable_log_requests: false # Disable logging of requests
max_log_len: null # Maximum length for logged prompts
# Launcher Settings
log_file: logs/vllm_server.log # Main log file path
health_check_directory: logs/health_checks # Directory for health check logs
log_format: json # Log format (json for structured logging)
log_level: INFO # Log level (INFO, DEBUG, etc.)
log_performance_metrics: true # Enable logging of performance metrics
log_rotation_backup_count: 72 # Number of rotated log files to keep
log_rotation_interval: 1 # Log rotation interval (hours)
log_rotation_max_bytes: 104857600 # Maximum log file size before rotation
performance_log_interval: 30 # Interval for logging performance metrics (seconds)
# Logging Configuration
correlation_id_header: X-Correlation-ID # Header for request correlation ID
log_request_details: true # Log details of incoming requests
max_log_len: 1000 # Maximum length for log messages
sanitize_log_data: true # Remove sensitive data from logs
health_check: # Settings for completions in test/
system_message: "You are an AI Assistant that responds to 'INFERENCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REQUESTS:' on route: /v1/chat/completions"
user_message: "INFERENCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REQUEST: Is this endpoint route online and available for requests? Please respond with your acknowledgement in haiku."