An Android app to show the embedded lyrics of a music file.
It is based on QuickLyric. If you are looking for a more complete lyrics app, you should definitely check it out.
This app does not connect to internet at all (does not even request the permission). It does not download from lyrics sources. If you want to use this app, you need to embed the lyrics yourself to the music files manually, using a tag editor.
Because the lyrics are read from the music files, online music streaming services are not supported.
Tested with:
- Google Play Music
- Shuttle Music Player
- Phonograph Music Player
- Poweramp Music Player
- BlackPlayer Music Player
- GoneMAD Music Player
- doubleTwist Music Player
- Stellio Music Player
- Neutron Music Player
- HTC Music Player
- Rocket Music Player
- Music Player (JRT Studios)
- PlayerPro Music Player
- Pulsar Music Player
…or download directly from the releases page.
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - used to access the music files directly, so that their lyrics can be extracted
- geecko86 for QuickLyric
- Google for Material icons (used as the app icon)