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Monadic effects and equational reasoning in Coq

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This Coq library contains a hierarchy of monads with their laws used in several examples of monadic equational reasoning.


Building and installation instructions

The easiest way to install the latest released version of Monadic effects and equational reasoning in Coq is via OPAM:

opam repo add coq-released
opam install coq-monae

It installs two directories in coq/user-contrib: monae and monaeImpredicativeSet.

To instead build and install manually (with GNU make), do:

git clone
cd monae
make -j 4
make install


This repository contains a formalization of monads including examples of monadic equational reasoning and several models. This includes for example the formalization of the following papers:

  • [Gibbons and Hinze, Just do It: Simple Monadic Equational Reasoning, ICFP 2011] (except Sect. 10.2)
  • [Gibbons, Unifying Theories of Programming with Monads, UTP 2012] (up to Sect. 7.2)
  • [Mu, Equational Reasoning for Non-determinism Monad: A Case study of Spark Aggregation, TR-IIS-19-002, Academia Sinica]
  • [Mu, Calculating a Backtracking Algorithm: An exercise in Monadic Program Derivation, TR-IIS-29-003, Academia Sinica]
  • [Mu, Functional Pearls: Reasoning and Derivation of Monadic Programs, A case study of non-determinism and state, 2017]
    • This is a draft paper. In the first release, we formalized this draft up to Sect. 5. The contents have been since superseded by [mu2019tr2] and [mu2019tr3].
  • [Mu and Chiang, Deriving Monadic Quicksort (Declarative Pearl), 2020]

This library has been applied to other formalizations:

  • application to program semantics (see file smallstep.v)
  • formalization of monad composition [Jones and Duponcheel, Composing Monads, Yale RR 1993] (Sections 2 and 3)
  • formalization of monad transformers [Jaskelioff, Modular Monad Transformers, ESOP 2009] (up to Sect. 4)
    • completed with details from [Jaskelioff, Lifting of Operations in Modular Monadic Semantics, PhD 2009]
    • see directory impredicative_set for the formalization of [Jaskelioff, Modular Monad Transformers, ESOP 2009] (from Sect. 5)
  • formalization of the geometrically convex monad (main reference: [Cheung, Distributive Interaction of Algebraic Effects, PhD Thesis, U. Oxford, 2017])

Available monads


About Installation with Windows 11

Installation of monae on Windows is less simple. First install infotheo following the instructions for Windows 11. Once infotheo is installed (with opam), do:

  • opam install coq-monae or git clone [email protected]:affeldt-aist/monae.git; opam install .

Original License

Before version 0.2, monae was distributed under the terms of the GPL-3.0-or-later license