Open Pandemic is a single page web application that consumes the Narrative API to get real time Covid 19 data. It lists recorded Covid 19 cases by country.
Users can interact with the app by filtering the list of countries by name.
- JavaScript
- React Bootstrap
- React
- Redux
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Open a terminal, navigate to the directory that you would like to clone the repository into using commands like:
cd /pathname
to change your working directory.
- Next, clone the remote repository and create a local copy on your machine using this command:
git clone
- Now you can see the contents of the remote repository on your machine by moving into the newly cloned directory:
ls -la
- run
npm install
on the command line to download all dependency packages.
- run
npm run build
Builds the app for production to thebuild
folder.. - run
npm start
to start the application in production mode.
👤 Afiz Savage
- GitHub: @afizsavage
- Twitter: @fizzo_geek
- LinkedIn: @Afiz
- Nelson Sakwa for this design wonderfull template.
- Simple Maps for providing the free svg maps for all countries.
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