Search engine built from scratch for searching resources( Powerpoint presentations, PDFs, Word documents, etc) for different courses on BITS Course Management System.
This repo uses python3.5 as textract library is not available for python2.7 . Install all the other dependencies using pip3.
Run the follwing in terminal.
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
If you face any problem, install textract
and nltk
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev antiword unrtf poppler-utils pstotext tesseract-ocr flac ffmpeg lame libmad0 libsox-fmt-mp3 sox libjpeg-dev swig libpulse-dev
$ sudo pip3 install textract
$ pip3 install nltk
$ python3
>>> import nltk
[Press 'd' for download]
Download() d
Packages: all
Extensive Documentation on the classes, methods and variables used can be found inline as docstrings and comments.
** Please set the root
file) to path of root of directory containing sub-directories and files to be indexed. **
Once inside the root of this directory, you can query using the following command.
$ python3
This will start indexing and you will be prompted with a query field once all the files are indexed.
Enter query:
Files are queried based on the input here.
Making sense of the results:
The following structure is maintained in the returned list of files.
<file_rank_1> | <file_name_with_path> | <relevance_score>
<file_rank_2> | <file_name_with_path> | <relevance_score>
Relevance Score
The relevance score of each document is calculated based upon the TF-IDF frequency of the keywords and cosine similarity between the file and query vectors.
To quit the program, quit()
can be used.
Enter query : quit()
- In .doc files, pipes are being extracted from table borders.
- .ppt is not currently supported by textract, hence unoconv is to be used for .ppt files specifically