ZeroKDB is a powerful Python library designed to facilitate seamless interaction with the ZeroKDB API and to create your own decentralized database. It provides an easy-to-use interface for executing queries and generating proofs.
- Seamless Database Interaction: Connect and interact with ZeroKDB using simple API calls.
- AI Model Integration: Convert text to embeddings and execute similarity queries.
- Proof Generation: Generate cryptographic proofs to validate your queries.
- Support for IPFS Storage: Utilize IPFS for decentralized storage solutions.
ZeroKDB can be installed by adding it as a dependency in your project.
pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/agencyenterprise/zerokdb.git
Below is a basic example to get you started with ZeroKDB. This example demonstrates how to instanciate a Database API instance and use it to execute queries with proof validations.
- choose between ipfse storage or local storage for the DB
- need to have a pinata key for interacting with ipfs
- need to reference the api where ZerokDB API is running and keeping track of sequences
import os
from zerokdb.api import DatabaseAPI
import json
async def generate_proof(
proof_request_id: str, ai_model_name: str, ai_model_inputs: str, pina_api_key: str
print("Generating proof for request " + proof_request_id)
result = None
if ai_model_name != "zerokdb":
return None, None
db_api = DatabaseAPI(
api_host=os.getenv("API_HOST") or "http://localhost:8001"
ai_model_inputs_dict = json.loads(ai_model_inputs)
if ai_model_inputs_dict["type"] == "TEXT":
text = ai_model_inputs_dict["value"]["text"]
table_name = ai_model_inputs_dict["value"]["table_name"]
vector = db_api.convert_text_to_embedding(text)
sql_query = f"SELECT * FROM {table_name} LIMIT 5 COSINE SIMILARITY embedding WITH {vector}"
elif ai_model_inputs_dict["type"] == "SQL":
sql_query = ai_model_inputs_dict["value"]
raise ValueError("Unsupported AI model input type")
result, circuit, proof = db_api.execute_query(sql_query, proof=True)
print("Proof generated for request: ", proof_request_id)
return circuit, proof, result